(No, I'm not thinking of getting one; they're way too expensive for someone like me. (I did, way back before I had any idea how much they cost.) This is something else. And yes, there are a lot more serious issues out there and a lot more sad things going on that are more important than this, but it's emblematic of a problem particularly rampant in
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I wonder how many of those who cite Leviticus as a reason not to have (or even forbid by law) tattoos have pierced ears? That seems to me also a cutting or marking.
In general, the halakhic tradition is much more in line with *my* upbringing as a convert Catholic where people read Aquinas and argued about exegesis and ethics, than the Evangelican fundamentalist attitude of uncritical selective acceptance of whatever fits their tastes and squicks...
The cultural group would say the distinction was being made between the local tribes, which practiced it at the coming of age, as a rite of passage, and the Jews, who did it in infancy, as a sign of group identity.
Those who make a health issue of it are, I think, missing the boat. Sand deson't really get in there, cancer is a small risk (and it isn't proven that it's actually higher for uncircumcised men) and the issue of cleanliness is debateable.
So you get exegetes all down the line from the time of Gamaliel (and before) down thru Augustine and Aquinas, trying to come up w/sensible earthly reasons for ancient tabus passed down as The Will Of God because they don't *want* to be in the position of saying "Yeah, He's wacky, but He's God, so..."
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