
Mar 26, 2006 07:21

It wasn't In Defense of Internmnet that Domenech edited, it was Unhinged. And I forgot to note that over 3 years ago, Domenech was caught Making Shit Up - in this case, fabricating a quote and attributing it to TV interviewer Tim Russert in order to get Bush off the hook for likewise claiming to have said something he didn't actually say, to get off the hook for having squandered the budget surpluses and running us into debt.

But the best part is this post from, from May 21st 2003:

Jayson Does Not Apologize

Jayson Blair refuses to have any sense of guilt over his actions at the New York Times. He says he received no preferential treatment. He says he deserves to be hailed as a genius for his elaborate lies. He says he laughed at the sheer inaccuracy of his cliched description of Jessica Lynch's West Virginia family home.

Jayson Blair is just one more journalistic pezzonovante amidst a crowd of his peers. The only difference is, he's unashamed of his pretty little lies. In fact, he's proud of them.

The ultimate insult that we could pay towards this wretch would be to forget him. He deserves no more of our time.

VITO: I knew that Santino was going to have to go through all this. And Fredo, Fredo was, well... But I never -- I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life, I don't apologize, to take care of my family. And I refused to be a fool, dancing on the strings, held by all those... bigshots. I don't apologize. That's my life. But I thought that -- that when it was your time -- that you would be the one to hold the strings. Senator Corleone. Governor Corleone, or something...

MICHAEL: Another pezzonovante...

VITO: Well -- there wasn't enough time, Michael. Wasn't enough time...

MICHAEL: We'll get there, Pop. We'll get there.
08:52 PM | gimme some love (16)

Remember kids, IOKIYAR!
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