MY defenders to the front

Jan 09, 2006 12:52

He thinks it isn't worth fighting Alito, that the only thing that matters is winning elections, because somehow the composition of the Supreme Court isn't relevant compared to Tweedle/Evil/Dum/Dee contests.

Even if it means letting the dominant majority of our own Law Lords on this side of the Water be unprincipled opportunists whose sole ideal is accruing more and still more power to their patrons, and who cannot be removed from office save by death.

Because being all mean and nasty by fighting against an admitted liar who says anything to get what he wants, and breaks his promise to recuse himself from conflicts of interest, and cares only for the wealthy elite of the land, is likely to lose Democrats future elections, in his expert opinion...


(BTW, I wouldn't say that attacking Matt is an *ideology* of mine, or Atrios', or Chris Clarke's, or anyone's - it's more a casual hobby, whenever he presents a good windmill-like target of opportunity.)

Edit: I am nonetheless a lot kinder and more respectful than many another commenter today in Left Blogistan, where opinions range from MY having, enquote, "the political acumen of a turnip" and likely been drinking the DC water (high lead content) to a contemptuous dismissal as Kevin Drum without the spine or the cats (attaturk, at Eschaton) and the all-purpose ageist dismissal, which I consider unfair because I know several college freshmen and sophomores at schools far less prestigious and pricey than Harvard who are quite capable of seeing through the administration bullshit and demolishing it with a few well-placed words. No, youth is no excuse for cluelessness: as is often demonstrated in fandom, it's not something people "just grow out of".
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