Minitrue Screws Up, Gossip Blogger Whistleblows

Nov 09, 2005 11:05

And again Wonkette shows her Resistance qualifications, kind of like if Josephine Baker had been a stand-up comedienne at a burlesque show instead of a singer/dancer - catching and publicizing a little bit of Minitrue cuteness in which they attempt to memoryhole a statement by the WH press secretary, to make it say the opposite of what he actually said. She came a long way, baby - and once again we see the validation of the anonymous LJ comment (via Electrolite) declaring "But isn’t all of human history simultaneously a disaster novel and a celebrity gossip column?"

In this comment, one of the posters discussing this at dKos juxtaposes directly the a/v of the statement with the official WH transcript.

Big Brother is watching you - and his fly's open.

Edit: I should point out that this time it's very personal for Ana Marie Cox - her husband's employer, Congressional Quarterly, which provides transcripts of government business, was approached by the Administration with a request to edit their independent transcript of the press corps gaggle. So they are reporting on an effort by the Virtue Party to suborn their journalistic ethics - and to falsify the product they sell to their customers, in the process. So it's not just altruism - but it is about Integrity. Which Bushco/Cheneyburton promised to bring back to the WH, you may recall. --Stop laughing, it isn't funny. Really.

wonkette, white house, orwell, 1984, memoryhole

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