You asleep on the guy you invited over to hang out with. Whoops.
Yeah. This kinda happened the other day. Couldn't help it though. It was like...ten thirty at night, I was tired, and the room was pitch black beyond the TV playing Dark Angel (which he enjoyed watching). She didn't flip her shit though. Considering Andrew and I have known each other since friggin' middle school I guess, but still.
She. Was. Calm.
She walked in and told me it was almost 11 so he had to get home. (I can only drive until 11 and then I have to be home cause of my license. Ugh.)
Longer story short - I asked him two nights ago what we were and we decided to classify as "dating".
...Except, there's a few things that're bugging me and I know he's liked me for like ever but bleech. I dunno. Probably just overthinking things or something. Gonna have to tlak to him though because I think he expects things to be like how it was with his past gf / my ex-bff. They hung out everyday after school and I just...can't do that. That's not me. I need my space and down time and...jfc, I can't do pet names. x.x /rant
Okay. Some Firefly watching and discussing this later will make everything better. Hopefully.
(I don't have the icon space, but if I did there would be an icon of Sam and Sarah up tharr.)