Nov 05, 2010 01:23

Second prompt for reverse bang! This time for princess_aleera, who wrote What Is and What Should Never Be (And Thank God For That), which you should absolutely go read.

Type: Art post!
Rating: PG-13/T (kissing and some exposed skin. Oh, and zombie gore and a Dean on a leash)
Pairing: Sam/Dean

Title banner!

Big ass full image thing!

And have some detailed shots:

The first ones I drew. My original idea just involved Sam and Dean versus their evil mirror!verse doubles. It . . . expanded from there.

After all, once you've gone mirror 'verse, you might as well try out some zombies, right? (These are . . . probably my favorites of the whole drawing. For days after I sketched them, I'd look at them and snort.)

And then there had to be robots, of course. Anyone can do androidy looking robots. I was more interested in trying to translate Sam and Dean into basic metal shapes. Because that's just who I am. And those, of course, are our "original flavor" boys front and center -- they didn't actually get drawn till after the next pair, but they worked so well in front of the robots, and while I have them all drawn individually in pen and ink, they were all one layer in the photoshop image, so . . . not easy to separate.

I'm not big on vampires as a general rule, but, well, pirates and ninjas would have been too easy, right? Besides, you can barely tell Sam is supposed to be a vampire, here (unless you recognize his fabulous Hellsingy hat). Mostly, I needed someone interesting looking at the other end of Dean-Wolf's leash.

So I had all these versions and I was all "something's missing." Clearly, the answer was Gabriel laughing his ass off. But since the figures here all come in twos, he needed a partner-in-crime buddy balancing individual, and, well, Castiel was clearly the only choice. . . .

And here we have the most recent addition to the party, also known as my first attempt ever to draw slash (*flails arms wildly*). Okay, technically it's my second. There was a draft before this that ended up with Dean having, like, noodles for legs that will never see the light of internet. These guys weren't in the original prompt draft, they were all princess_aleera's fault idea. And frankly, I think they make the image (and likely the fic) whole.

also: zombies, type: fan art, challenge: spn_reversebang, fandom: supernatural

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