Fic: All in the Family

Sep 29, 2010 04:41

Title: All in the Family
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Crossover. Craaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Some mild language.
Author's Notes: So I totally said I wasn't going to be inspired by 6x01. I apparently was wrong.
Spoilers: Through 6x01
Summary: A different take on one of the scenes from the season six premiere. Sam introduces Dean to the Cousins.

For those just joining us, we enter into a reunion strangely not-as-touching-as-expected, in which Dean has his shirt tucked in and Sam somehow manages to be cagey while giving the exposition that he's been back for a year -- and hunting. Let's watch!

"You left me alone and you were flying solo?"

Sam folded his hands. "Not solo."


"I hooked up with some other people."

"You, working with strangers."

"They're more like family. And they're here." Sam stood and headed towards the door. Dean followed behind, head spinning as he tried to absorb everything he'd just been told. Sam was alive. Sam was top-side, and had been for a year. A year in which he'd met up with an unknown group of hunters he felt close enough to to call "family" -- and hadn't even thought he should let his only living family now what was going on.

It was like Dean didn't even know him, any more. He had no idea what to expect beyond that door. No idea if Sam's new hunting buddies were on the level. Why were they suddenly all for the guy they'd been convinced was in league with the demons? Sam and Dean hadn't even been able to trust most hunters for the last year of their lives together, and here Sam was, running around with --

Dean froze in the doorway.

-- with three fuzzy, bright colored, anthropomorphized animals who stood no taller than the rickety table they surrounded.

"Hi!" The purple penguin trilled.

"Uh. Hi," said Dean.

"You sure are nice looking for a hunter," she continued in her piercing falsetto.

Dean turned a desperate eye to his brother.

"Dean," said Sam, standing tall and proud as if he weren't in a room full of things he could crush by stepping on them. "This is Cozy Heart Penguin. That's Brave Heart Lion and Lotsa Heart Elephant. Our Campbell cousins."

The orange lion nodded to him. The pink elephant lifted his . . . paw-hand-foot thing -- and waved.

"Uh," said Dean again, groping blindly for Sam's shoulder. He couldn't take his eyes off -- well, the pink elephant in the room. "Charmed. Sam, a word?"

Sam nodded, his face open and happy for the furry things the way Dean felt it should have been for him when he woke up. "Sure, Dean, what's up?"

Dean jerked his thumb to the other room. "Alone."

Sam's face fell straight into puppy dog mode. Dean half expected him to sprout blue fur on the spot. "Whatever it is, you can say it in front of the Cousins. They're family."

"Yeah," piped up the lion. "We're brave and strong and cozy as can be!"

The penguin nodded. The elephant trumpeted happily.

"Yeah, that's great." Dean forced a smile at them, even as he dragged Sam back through the door. Dean shut it with maybe more force than was strictly necessary. He held up a placating hand when Sam opened his mouth to protest.

"Dammit, Sam," he said. "Those aren't Campbell cousins. They're Care Bear Cousins."

Sam frowned. "Dean, I've been hunting with them for a year --"

"How?! By cuddling spooks to death?!"

"Actually, they have this Call -- okay, look." Sam put his hand on Dean's shoulder, smiling sympathetically. "I know it's a lot to take in. We thought all of Mom's family was dead. Just . . . wait until Grams gets here, okay?"

"Grams." Dean pulled back and ran a hand through his hair. "What is she, a cheetah?"

Sam tilted his head -- confused puppy, and Dean was starting to look for that blue fur, now -- then brightened when a tinkling *putt-putt-putt* sounded through the window. "There she is, now!"

Dean looked. A smiley faced cloud with a giant rainbow wheel had pulled up next to a Dodge Charger outside the house. A mint green bear in a shawl with a flower on its belly climbed out.

"Oh god," said Dean. "This isn't real. I fell asleep babysitting Sid's niece again."

The door swung open and the lion, the penguin, and the elephant all tumbled in, followed by a doting old biddy of a three foot bear.

"It's okay, Dean!" the Cousins called. "We care a lot!"

They swarmed around his ankles, nearly tripping him with a warm, fuzzy, cuddly hug. Sam smiled like a dope-fiend and held his arms out --

"Don't you dare," Dean warned.

-- and wrapped him in a smothering embrace.

"It's all going to be okay," Sam said, shoving his chin onto Dean's shoulder like a threat. "After all: they're family."


Further author's notes: Because the first thing I think of when someone mentions "the cousins" is this. What can I say? I was a child of the eighties. I still have my Tenderheart Bear. He watched me write this. I see you judging, Tenderheart, don't think that I don't. . . .

length: one-shot, rating: teen, genre: crack, type: fanfiction, fandom: other, genre: crossover, fandom: supernatural

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