How It's Supposed to Be (drabble)

Jan 30, 2004 18:34

How It's Supposed to Be

". . . I love you."

Willow cocked her head, her arms tensed at her sides, and narrowed those obsidian eyes. Xander stood at ready. He'd heard what Giles had said; this had to work.

Didn't it?

"You're right." Willow stepped forward. Xander relaxed slightly. Her arm shot out; Xander froze. "This is the way it's supposed to be, you and me, at the end of it all." She walked up to him and touched him, beneath his eye. Xander couldn't even blink. "But don't worry, it won't hurt."

She didn't lie. The earth exploded into fire, but it didn't hurt at all.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, rating: teen, length: drabble, genre: drama, type: fanfiction

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