Crossover reccage!

Dec 01, 2009 16:02

Okay, it's done (and I'm done reading it) so I can finally rec this sucker:

Two Boys from Kansas in King Uther's Court (Merlin/Supernatural crossover) by ariadnes_stringSummary: The title kind of says it all. And this:

“Fair sir,” said the knight, or Jedi warrior, or whatever the fuck he was, “will ye just?”

“Will I which?”

“Will you try passage of arms for land or lady or for-“

“Seriously? Seriously? What, did someone drop acid in the fake mead at the Renaissance Fair? Stop dicking around, man, and fuck off.”
Now, I have only passing familiarity with Merlin, really. I know it only slightly better than I know, say, the Stargate universes, several varied comics canons, or pretty much any procedural drama -- I've touched the original canon maybe a small handful of times, but otherwise know it through fanfiction. So I think I can say with relative safety that this sucker will be entertaining even to those who know jackall about Merlin.

Share and enjoy!

ETA Also, for those wondering, it's totally gen.

fandom: other, type: recs, fandom: supernatural

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