SPN fic: Steam (Master post)

Jul 09, 2008 02:22

So, you know how I've been talking about that spn_j2_bigbang fic off and on?


    "One who clings to Modernity will fall with Modernity. But one who builds water-powered Refrigerators will eat summer Fruits in Autumn."
      -- Motto from The SteamPunk's Guide to the Apocalypse, SteamPunk Magazine staff

A Supernatural Gen fic by bellatemple
Art by mithborien
For spn_j2_bigbang

Rating: Adult, for themes, violence, and language
Word count: ~30,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Post-apocalyptic AU, spins off canon at "Jus in Bello"
Summary: Dean was supposed to get a year, and then go to Hell. Instead, as far as he was concerned, he got most of a year, and then Hell came to him.

| Mithborien's master art post |
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Notes and Credits

ETA Dude:

rating: adult (non-explicit), genre: drama, type: fanfiction, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang, fic: steam, fandom: supernatural, length: multi-part (completed), type: fan art

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