Fanon Fodder 0/? (massive crossovers to ensue)

Jun 08, 2005 00:31

Never fear, I'm still working on the Mercy Seat like the probable pscyhopath I am. Consider this fic a mental anguish geek-girl enema if you will, only, um, not as gross in a bodily function kind of way. I need something tremendously goofy to clear my brain out and sleep, and I've read bits of WAY too many Marty-Stu fics not to parody ( Read more... )

genre: humor, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, rating: teen, type: fanfiction, length: series, fandom: other, genre: crossover, length: multi-part (completed), fandom: alias, genre: crack, fandom: firefly, fic: fanon fodder

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Comments 15

4thdixiechick June 8 2005, 09:56:19 UTC
Very funny. (I'm glad my day started with this).
I can't wait to see non-hyena, non-soldier boy Xander in the competition.


liz_marcs June 8 2005, 11:40:24 UTC
You are fucking teh evol.

This rocks like a rocking thing. Thanks for the giggles to start my day. :-)


ffutures June 8 2005, 18:47:04 UTC
Liz - thanks for reccing this, it's truly silly!


midnightsjane June 8 2005, 19:36:05 UTC
This is just so wonderfully silly. Thanks for the rec, Liz.
Great fun, I can hardly wait to see how poor Xander does..


whiskyinmind June 8 2005, 18:21:39 UTC


*chokes a little when breathing becomes an issue*

This was just fantastic - I so want to see more of this!


norwegianne June 8 2005, 18:24:47 UTC
Very very promising beginning. And very funny.

Look forward to more.


ffutures June 8 2005, 18:50:19 UTC
Lovely stuff - hope you don't mind me friending you so I remember to keep following it.


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