Double drabble: If You Go Chasing Rabbits

Apr 10, 2008 22:23

Title:If You Go Chasing Rabbits
Author: Bella Temple
Category: SPN, double drabble. Gen.
Rating: General audiences
Warnings: None to speak of.
Spoilers: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Characters: Dean, Sam
Disclaimer: The characters and basic premise within are property of Warner Bros, Eric Kripke, etc. No money is being made off this work of fiction.
Author's note: Really, just a quick bit of nonsense as a break from my spn_j2_bigbang fic.

Summary: "Guess the hair of the dog's better than other parts of the body,"

The field stretched to the horizon in every direction, spotted with the occasional tree, fire hydrant, or rusted-out Chevy.

He could smell everything. Loamy dirt, oxidized chrome, and something feral. Hyper and terrified.

He could see them, small brown forms leaping about in the tall grass, bolting in every direction. He started moving on a whim, watched the things -- rabbits -- sprint away from him. The wind washed over him. He let his mouth hang open and gasped it in.

"Dean. Dean!"

He opened his eyes, stared up at his brother looming over him, face pinched in concern.

"Sam? What the hell just happened?"

"I found Bobby. Got him to wake up. Where the hell were you, dude?"

"I dunno. Some kind of field."

Sam blinked, looked down at Dean's hands, which he realized were curled on his chest. He flexed them, lowered them to the bed spread, and sat up.

"Oh," said Sam.

"What?" Dean demanded.

"The, uh. Hair."


"I guess it, uh. Wasn't all Bobby's."

"What are you -- I was in his dog's head?!"

Sam shrugged. "Hey. At least you seemed like you were having fun?"

Dean smacked him upside the head.

genre: humor, rating: teen, length: drabble, genre: crack, type: fanfiction, fandom: supernatural

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