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Comments 9

ne1ida77 May 19 2008, 18:57:57 UTC
I feel the same.


atomic89 August 30 2009, 18:50:36 UTC
Add me so I can read The V-Word? *gives puppy eyes*


Hello BellaTemple anonymous October 15 2009, 20:47:18 UTC
Mam I came across a website called I Need A Parrot in it I found a story you wrote back in 2005 titled The Alpha and Omega. I thought it was an sheerly awesome idea. I was wondering if you ever finished it or had plans to cause I would love to see it continued. I thought you might have forgotten it about and never finished it. I'm am sorry if I placed this comment in the wrong area I could not find a proper place to post this question. Sorry for the randomness.


Re: Hello BellaTemple bellatemple October 15 2009, 21:00:30 UTC
That fic has actually been abandoned, I'm afraid. It was fun to write, but I managed to work myself into a bit of a corner with it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though!


purple_pauline December 4 2009, 20:08:29 UTC


hanahap December 18 2009, 10:04:30 UTC
Umm hi. I hope this isn't too random, but I remember reading your fic Steam and thinking how cool the whole steampunk thing was, so I just wondered if you'd read this fic by Calamity Crow:


It's Supernatural but on Mars in steampunk style. And it is really cool - especially her version of the impala...

Apologies if I'm way late with this one and you already know about it, but I just read it the other day and it totally reminded me of your awesome fic. And also, sorry for the randomness. I usually only de-lurk to comment about your but deadly verse... but um.. hi!


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