(no subject)

Jul 25, 2005 15:34


Why do the seemingly simplest things have to be so complicated? I set out to the bank earlier to deposit the checks from Saturday night's party. My bank is based in Pascagoula...but no worries because there are a few branches in Gulfport. So I drive over to Gulfport...and the branch I usually go to has been closed because they opened a new location in Gulfport, just up the road from the old one. SO....hop into the car and go try to find the new branch. I finally get aggrivated looking for the new branch and I call the bank. The girl tells me where the new location is....then says.."Ohhh but that branch is closed on Mondays because they're open on Saturdays." UUURGGGGHHHH So I ask her where the next nearest branch is and she says its on Seaway Rd. I ask her how to get there...and she tells me. Then she says "But they're closed between 1pm and 2pm for lunch." I look down at the clock...its 12:56. Seaway Rd is at least 10 minutes away. So after the girl apologizes all over herself, I tell her that I'll just go to the Vancleave branch and she says that'll work. So...back on the road again....half an hour later...I get to the Vancleave branch only to discover that its closed on Mondays too. URRRRRGGGHHHHHH So finally...I said the hell with it...drove to the damn main branch in Pascagoula...which I knew HAD to be open. by the time I left Pascagoual, it was nearly two and the kids were grouchy cause they wanted food. I make my way back to the interstate...go 20 miles before I am sick of the whining and stop at McDonald's for food....satiating the grumpies in the backseat. So with all the off interstate travel...a 27 mile/ 1 hour trip to Gulfport turned into 135 miles/2.5 hours in the car. GRRRRRRR

So anyways...as I was on my way home...I was listening to the radio...which is unusual because I usually have a cd on...but the "new" Slipknot song comes on. It was the first time I'd ever listened to it...I've heard it...but didnt listen. Damn that song ROCKS. I love it when a song is good enough for me to get into it and drown out the girls chattering in the backseat. The song is called "Before I Forget"....I'm surpised I didnt forget.

I actually did a "first" today. I actually asked someone out on a date. I can't believe I did it....but I did. *so proud of me* And she said YES! So we are going out on Saturday night. I'm gonna pick her up and take her to this little italian place that she knows. Just me and her. *is still astounded she had the guts to ask her out* I can't wait!!!
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