Leave a comment here and I'll pick one or a few of your interests and you should tell in your journal why you're interested in this.
badfalcon asked me about:
Conspiracy Theories
I have always loved a good mystery and in the immortal words of Fox Mulder's poster 'I want to believe.' I just love intrigue, and I want there to be something more, something exciting. Maybe it's the nutter in me :)
Gel pens
Hee! Such a silly girlie thing to love! But I do! I just like writing with them, they look so nice and shiny on the page :)
Stormy seas
Near where I live there is a lighthouse on a really exposed coast and it's always rough there. I love parking at the edge and watching the waves break on the rocks. The power of the sea is awe inspiring, makes me feel empowered. And I feel so safe and warm inside my car too.
Ah now.. where do I start? I love Torchwood! It combined my loves of cop shows and sci-fi, and has stories that keep me gripped. I started watching it cos I loved Doctor Who and for Captain Jack. I think I was a fangirl before it even started, reading blogs about it!