I love weekends...

Feb 11, 2008 20:50

... especially ones in other countries with gigs and friends!

Yes it's Monday and I am finally posting this...

Fantabulous weekend started with flying out to Heathrow on Thursday, getting the right tube into Earl's COurt and meetingup with my sister :D Haven't seen her since Christmas so was nice. We went for dinner (sushi! saki!) and had some wine and chatted and was lovely.

Then Friday morning it was off down to Brighton on the train to meet badfalcon, after a wonderful breakfast in Carluccios cafe *happy sigh*

Cassie met me at the station and had already found the venue! Woo! We dumped my stuff in the hotel and then we went to lunch. There may have beena lot of fangirling :D We may have watched the new SPN and OMG!'d a lot. (Oh and when she figures it out her new ring tone for me is totally going to be 'Bella! Crap!' lmao)

Did I mention lunch? Cos it was really about this

I said let's share a dessert... not let's share every dessert on the menu *giggles*

Then it was off back into Brighton centre and we met up with some other fangirls, had a poke around the pier (2p Falls FTW!) then had some fish and chips before.... *drum roll* the Jason Manns gig :D:D:D

What can I say? He was amazing. He played all the songs I adore and a new song that sounded really good. Cassie and I were right next to the stage and it was just fantastic. But it was all over way too soon :(

Cassie had him sign her ticket. I did my usual scaredllittlefangirl routine and um... didn't. But we had an interesting chat with the tour/gig manager and now we're going to see JManns play five gigs with Life of Riley again in May! ♥

I don't want to dwell on this bit but there was one point in the evening when I was about to attack the singing fangirls with Cassie's crutch... I paid to listen to JManns and all I coudl hear was them... still he was amazing :D

Went to the McD's drivethrough on the way back to the hotel, Cassie's first drive through! Awww *pets a llama* and um... went shopping on Saturday (I got the coolest Smurf t-shirt!) before Lotte was kind enough to take me to Heathrow and ... home.

It was a brilliant weekend :D Brilliant! I'm kinda trained now for the tour in May. Honest Chel I am! Kinda... ;)

cassie, travelling, concert, jason manns

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