i have been so insanely busy. i went to NOLA to visit Seph for about 8 days. we did soooo much. ate sushi, went shopping several times all over the place, went to the graveyard, rented Party Monster and Last Samurai AND the Ring, went to the Whirling Dervish where we met this insane character named "Just Chillin'", who reminded me a little of Matt Paine but more fried, went to the Hookah Cafe', went to Cafe' Du Monde several times, went to this huge tree everyone calls the Fly, got crazy drunk on my last night there at the Dervish....for New Year's, i became very sick and had a fever of 101 all day. Seph made me stay in bed and sleep and he stayed in New Year's night, despite the fact that i told him he could feel free to go out with his friends. We planned to get all dressed up and go to the quarter, but i got sick so we spent our New Year's at his home. it was still the best New Year's ever because i was comfortable and happy to be spending it with him. i stayed at his house with his 5 brothers and sisters and his parents.
Here are several pictures from our trip.