Active Resistance to Propaganda

Nov 29, 2005 17:23

My manifesto is very short, concentrated and difficult to absorb in one go. Please read it through; there are surely some points which will arrest your thoughts and I hope that you will be interested enough to re-read it.
Its principle idea is that you get out of life what you put in and that real experience of the world involves thinking; it is not enough to follow world politics, see films and read the prize-winning best seller. This is superficial, you need to go deep in order to understand who you are, what the world is and how things could be better. This involves culture which can only be acquired by self-education: human beings should mirror the world.
My aim is to make a statement about what I know others must think; that is why I have written, ‘Intellectuals Unite!’
I want to get across the following:-
i. Separate the idea of true culture from the anthropological version.
ii. Make the point that scepticism is the underlying factor for ideas including the idea of progress. Our culture is stagnant. We need to question everything.
iii. Tell young people that every time they e.g. look up a word in the dictionary, e.g. look at paintings instead of a magazine, etc, they are thinking and therefore part of a resistance movement (they can get a badge, AR.- Active Resistance to Propaganda).
I think I now need to write an additional text to accompany and further explain the manifesto.
I would like to publish a book of essays of practical help towards self-cultivation of ideas. My essay ‘Looking at Painting for Beginners’ could be included.
The Gold Label show I will present in Paris on October 4th is called AR. I am using my show to present the ideas of my campaign- lots of badges and graphics- great T shirts- instead of seeing Che Guevara on peoples chests I thought why not put Rembrandt on a T shirt, he wore a beret and was just as revolutionary. The theme is that there is a secret revolution going on, a resistance movement in town, Active Resistance to Propaganda.
I have included the political T’shirt, ‘I am not a TERRORIST, please don’t arrest me’ which is a protest against the British government’s attempts to take away our legal rights. There is a new badge for Leonard Peltier

Vivienne Westwood
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