Dec 02, 2004 11:53
Alright, we're all in highschool and we all know that talking about ppl is a part of this society. But sometimes I think that we take things way out of hand. I'm not saying that I don't talk about ppl, coz i do, in fact...i'm famous for it. But all the shit I say, I'd say to someone's face.
People who talk about ppl they don't know irritate me. If you see Emma's journal, you'll kinda see who this is pertaining to.
Matthew sucks ass.
I love Jillian. Even if she is never in class, or if she smokes natural substances, or if she has a good time with alcoholic beverages. I still love her. She is my heart and soul. AND PEOPLE WHO TALK ABOUT MY HEART AND SOUL SHOULD DIE A HORRIBLE FIREY DEATH! There. I said it. What?!
Now to my strange dream...
About two nights ago, i had a really weird dream about Matthew Rusk. Oh yea, Matt, Romeo, Ashton, Napoleon....whatever you call him.
I was pregnant with his child. And I couldn't stop eating dirt. He was walking around my house while i'm standing there, fat as a cow, and he was singing some type of maternal song. Frankly it was making me queezee. So as he's doing his little ditty, i'm shoving handfuls or dirt into my mouth and eating it. After a while he asked me why and if it was good for the baby. To which I replied with:
"I don't know or care." and proceeded to empty the nearest flower pot soil into my mouth.
Think that's weird? Yea, that's because it is.
I think i'm going to start planning the next O.C. Trip soon. Today at lunch I realized that I'm going to need more then one room. Maybe even more then two. PARTAY.
I'm done.