I smell good, don't I? I taste even better.
You're the guy with nothing to lose now, huh?
Just another day at the office.
An extremely dangerous day at the office.
You have no idea what I faced to get here. I lost
everything. My life. But it was worth it.
Yeah, I know. We gotta kill him.
Gordon's not going to stop until we're dead.
So yeah I know you. Better than anyone. And this
is exactly how you act when you're terrified.
Just... I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again.
You should know how to fix her.
That's my job, right? Show my little brother the ropes?
Merry Christmas, Sam.
Well yeah. This is my last year.
I know. That's why I can't.
Are monsters real?
First thing you have to know is we
have the coolest dad in the world.
Dad lied to me. I want you to have it.
What's all this?
What do you think it is? It's Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Sam.
Skin mags!
Well, look at this. Fuel for me and fuel for my baby.
Merry Christmas, bro.
So this is Ruby, huh?
She's messing with your head!
We have to start looking at the big picture, Dean.
We're not just hunting any more.
I'm worried cause you're not acting like yourself.
If I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this
war after you're gone then I gotta change.
So, all of them? Every damn demon? They were human once?
That's what hell is. Forgetting what you were.
how can you care so little about yourself?
What's wrong with you?
You're like a father to me.
Everybody got in to hunting somehow.
I've never had this dream before.
I didn't deserve what he put on me!
You're gonna die. And this is what you're gonna become.
I don't want to go to hell, Sam.
Part 3