No double-scooping!

Nov 06, 2007 09:22

1. So. Strike. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty damn pissed off at the moment. Because I've realized that realistically it's not so much a matter of whether this'll all be over in time to finish the season as it is a matter of hoping for as many episodes as possible. 10 out of 22. 17 out of 22. Maybe one more. Maybe a handful less.

It's not that I'm pissed off at the writers, or the union. I'm pissed off executives who, from what I've read, don't even have a phony explanation masquerading as a genuine reason for not paying the writers for new media. Other than "we want AAAALL the moneys!", of course. If I'm wrong, please point me in the direction of their explanation, because I'd really love to hear it. If I'm not wrong, then they're basically bending the fans over the nearest table along with everyone who's directly related in the industry. Because, what, it's not like people are going to stop watching tv, right? You can screw them around and feed them reality tv for god only knows how long and it's not like they won't come back, right? I've heard the argument that by fighting, the WGA is setting the standard for other battles within the industry further down the line. In a too sentimental way, I feel like they're fighting for us, too. This matters in the long run. For everyone. Whether you're an active or passive participant. It sucks. It's sucks HUGE. I do hope I'm wrong, that it all ends quickly and none of the stories we're invested in suffer creatively. I'll be the first to laugh at my hasty pessimism if that turns out to be the case.

But, you guys, I am livid (LIVID!) at the thought of Sam and Dean going out on a partial season. LIVID. LIIIVVVVIIIID. I'm serious, CW. You better bring them back next season or... or.. I DON'T EVEN KNOW BUT IT AIN'T GONNA BE PRETTY.

2. Joss says a little somethin' somethin' about the strike. On par with everything that ever comes from that man it's both an entertaining and inspiring read. Also, ALLY AND ALEXIS ARE STILL AS ADORABLE AS EVER.

3. For anyone who hasn't seen it, the official CW SPN promo poster is pretty freakin' sweet.

Click image for super large version.

4. More from the Ewan and Charley show!

Long Way Down - Episode 2

Guys, Ewan STILL randomly breaks out the Jedi voice! SO GREAT.

And they're off!

Ewan's shirt, guys! I'm hoping Charley has a matching Ewan one. BFF's with matching inside joke shirts are pretty hard to resist.

AHAHA, CHARLEY. That was the longest most frightening/hilarious yawn I've ever seen. And you've just gotta love that Ewan video tapes himself showering.

"Don't listen to Charley, is the motto of that story."

I like it when they do motorcycle related things on the trip. Possibly because nothing reduces them to gleefully giggly little boys more.

"Phone Lucy, get her to book us in to a camp site. Noo, just ask that guy over there."

Random assorted silliness!

They're traveling the world experiencing wondrous adventures, and what do they do? Film each other farting.

STRESS, TIME. Watching them go through rough spots is just as fascinating as watching them have fun. I'm so glad they don't edit that stuff out, even if it means one or more of them looking childish in the moment.


Charley: I just deeted my tent.
Ewan: You're amazing.

"We're trying to just burn on today. I want to avoid seeing any of Tunisia. I want to avoid trying to get to know it's people. Or seeing any of it's landmarks. I just want to get in to Lybia, and then I want to do the same thing in Lybia. I want to burn through Lybia, I don't want to meet anybody or see anything. I want to burn down to Cape Town and try to avoid meeting anyone or seeing anything on the way. And then we get to Cape Town, have a huge party, and everyone thinks we're great. Having said all that, we should get on, though."


"I rather arrogantly thought I'd be mobbed. I'm a little disappointed."


Just a little paper work. *g*

I can only just begin to imagine how miserable that night must have been.

The pretend bar tending was ADORABLE.

"Now I can say I've touched a winged penis from the second century."

I feel a bit naive for not realizing places like that still exist. I mean, I know ruins exist in general, but it hadn't occurred to me that there were places where miles upon miles of fallen cities sit relatively untouched. I can't fathom what seeing that in person would be like.

"No double-scooping!"

ETA: Screencaps coloured by me. Please don't use these for graphics. The originals can be found at my cap gallery here.

f: long way down: picspam, f: screencaps, f: supernatural: picspam, f: wga strike 07, f: long way down: screencaps, f: joss is boss

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