
Nov 04, 2007 00:01

1. It's ridiculous o'clock in the morning and I should be in bed. But, since this is finished now I might as well post it.

2. New Long Way Down tomorrow tonight!

3. I'm experiencing a big time resurgence of Chris Isaak love.

image Click to view

4. ( Smallville 7x06 + Mini Picspam )

f: supernatural: picspam, f: smallville: picspam, f: chris isaak: videos

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bellanut November 4 2007, 17:42:32 UTC
HIII, STEF! I feel the same! I need to just start sending you random e-mails during the week or something. And I never commented on how awesome your Halloween costume was! It was not girl!Sam, but it was awesome nonetheless. *g*

It's true, IT'S TRUE. I think I'm just a guilt-ridden person no matter what. I suspect it might even by in my genes!

Plus, you are not crazy with shallow rambling (i.e. "PANTIES! BODILY ACTIONS!1!!eleventy!!" and...you know, that kinda thing). ;)

Hahah, YES. I'd love to do that one day just to see how you react (with gagging most likely), but I just don't think I could physically force myself to.

Awww, thanks, Stef. Recently I started adding a layer of super light bright blue set to vivid light and I really like what it does to these caps. I ALREADY CANNOT WAIT TO MAKE DVD CAPS OF THIS SEASON SO BADLY JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT MAKES ME DROOL.

Dean, I love you, but Plant and Page = really? It's cute though! Silly boy.

Hahah, RIGHT? I guess the writers want to make the names recognizable enough that the audience can be in on the joke, but that one was a little TOO obvious. Actually, I was thinking about this and I've decided that Dean LIKES it when people are all, "What, like the musicians?". Like, a stupidly risky test to find fellow music fans.

Stef! It's not just personal fanon, it's canon!

I randomly remembered that in the shower this morning. So clearly this time around Sam just didn't really have his heart in it. *g* ALSO, I would LOVE to hear some more of your personal fanon some time.

STEF! HE WAS MAKING GRRR FACES IN HIS SLEEP. AHJAAHJAAJAJ. I love so much that Jensen always does unattractive things during sleeping scenes that really just make us all want to jump him EVEN MORE. It took so much will power to not post even more caps from that moment. GOD ALMIGHTY. And what does one do to even get the blankets like that? Just from tossing and turning? Or was there a younger brother on hand to tuck him in?

I know we fans occasionally read WAY too much in to things, but there's just been SO MUCH more yellow than usual. I really do hope it's purposeful. I would have never noticed it if I hadn't seen this post, though. I mean, I would have noticed the colour schemes, but not associated it with yellow = demons.

Yeah, that seems to be the big question. And maybe it isn't as simple as a heirachy. For some reason I always pictured it that there were different factions of demons with different leaders who aren't necessarily in competition with each other. Like mob leaders in different countries. Sort of on the same side, and not in direct competition, and having their own agendas. I think I got that from the Crossroad demon saying she could get in trouble for making the deal with Dean back during ALHB. I don't know, for some reason I had the impression her boss wasn't Yellow Eyes, in which case there are multiple higher ups? It's all personal fanon at this point.

I JUST HOPE IT'S NOT THE DEVIL. The whole demons and hell thing confuses me a bit on the show. Like, isn't hell suppose to be the devils domain? Yet demons don't want to be in hell, so wouldn't that make it hard for him to be their leader? And if it's not his domain is there anyone reigning over hell, or is it, like, self-sufficient? Plus there's the whole thing where Casey flat out told us that demons don't have contact with the devil, which I personally hope was Kripke's way of telling us he's not going there. I DON'T KNOW. The fact that everything I know about hell came from childhood bible studies and the movies is hurting me here.

OH. STEF. I REALLY HOPE WE DON'T GO FULL SCALE ANTI-CHRIST. It would be cool for them to set up a season of Sam and Dean being at odds to the point of seeming like they're on different sides of the battle, but I don't want Sam to stray TOO FAR. And I don't want the show to stray too far from realism either.


ignited November 8 2007, 05:22:48 UTC
I'm sorry it took so long to reply -- I'm really behind on comments these past few days and you always give these awesome detailed ones so I don't wanna rush! ;) DUDE, RANDOM E-MAILS ARE NEAT, OKAY, I SUPPORT THAT. :D

Heh, the replacement costume resulted from the fact that my girl!Sam costume = basically looks like a butch lesbian!Sam costume which, heh, fits, but had it been a fandom party rather than a parade, at least people would understand the meaning. Although the parade was cool. Some guy dressed as Angelus in vamp face. *swoons over geekery*

Hahah, YES. I'd love to do that one day just to see how you react (with gagging most likely), but I just don't think I could physically force myself to.

*snorts* Whatever the subject would be, all pretense would fall out the window and I'd likely forget any rules I have and just go "OMG DITTO RIGHT *PANTIES AFLAME!1!!* It's TRUE.

Awww, thanks, Stef. Recently I started adding a layer of super light bright blue set to vivid light and I really like what it does to these caps.

Hmm, I'll have to try that out. So vivid light then? Did you mess around with the opacity? I'm always trying to figure out how to color caps properly, and I really love that coloring/look you've got going there. :)

Actually, I was thinking about this and I've decided that Dean LIKES it when people are all, "What, like the musicians?". Like, a stupidly risky test to find fellow music fans.

Oooh. That would be NEAT. And risky, but it's Dean so... He's all Dean-ish and silly. *nod*

Oh I can't believe I forgot about that part from Home! GAH. THAT'S where the nice drawing part came from! He so is because that's hard to do.

ALSO, I would LOVE to hear some more of your personal fanon some time.

My Sam fanon is random bits but most of it usually consists of "SAM LIKES TO EAT, REALLY." and "Sam isn't always a top!" ...because I am lame that way.

OH, THE GRR FACE. I ALMOST FORGOT. HOW is he so cute, Steph?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW. *arm waving* Hmm, he could semi-tuck himself in but I'm imagining that it must've been cold inside the room so he's wearing a t-shirt and freezing and making grr faces -- in the process rolling himself up to get all snuggly and comfortable. Besides pulling the weird actions and faces.

See, the idea of him doing that? So CUTE. But the idea of Jensen waking up all bleary eyed because he hasn't put his contacts in? EVEN CUTER. YEE.

Thanks for linking that post! Man, I love cinematography meta above all other SPN meta. It's the little subtle things that make me go 'eee'. I've never noticed that stuff before! Something to look out for now.

I don't know, for some reason I had the impression her boss wasn't Yellow Eyes, in which case there are multiple higher ups? It's all personal fanon at this point.

Yeah. I think in my head I'm imagining a whole level of hierarchy in hell, but that's from reading Good Omens.

Plus there's the whole thing where Casey flat out told us that demons don't have contact with the devil, which I personally hope was Kripke's way of telling us he's not going there. I DON'T KNOW. The fact that everything I know about hell came from childhood bible studies and the movies is hurting me here.

I hope they don't. Because if they show the devil it'll probably be lame. I don't know. :\ I'm the same re: knowledge. It's cool that they're expanding stuff, but I just hope it doesn't fall flat.

It would be cool for them to set up a season of Sam and Dean being at odds to the point of seeming like they're on different sides of the battle, but I don't want Sam to stray TOO FAR. And I don't want the show to stray too far from realism either.

EXACTLY. Somehow, I can see Sam turning evil for a bit, but then coming back -- although like you said re: realism, the idea of him leading an army just makes me think of LotR and lots of CGI and Sam wearing some weird outfit and uh, yeah, this is why I'm not allowed to think these things sometimes. ;)


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