Every day is embarrass yourself on the internet day!

Sep 06, 2007 10:33

1. Alert, alert! Serious fandom business! Jensen/Dean HAS NEW BOOTS! I'm trying, but I can already feel that I'm failing to mask with sarcasm how serious this really is. NEW BOOTS, PEOPLE. NEW. BOOTS.




NEW BOOTS! Oh man, it was bound to happen one day. I'm still not convinced the guy doesn't have multiple pairs of boots anyway, despite all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I wonder if he threw out the old boots, or if they're going to sit on a shelf in his garage collecting dust for years and years on account of SENTIMENTAL ATTACHMENT. I tend to think of Jenny as a throw things away kind of guy, but I don't know, these are his boots we're talking about. This whole thought process makes me think of that Ikea commercial a while back where the guy gets the new lamp. You know the one? And then the Swedish dude comes on screen all, "You feel sorry for this lamp? You're crazy, the new one is much better". Oh man, me and my old roommate Mike used to laugh FOR HOURS every time that commercial came on.

Anyway, NEW BOOTS. And yes, in case you were wondering this post scares even me. It probably should have been reserved to a few select people via e-mail, but it just seemed to important to not share!

Kudos to zimshan for noticing the new boots.

Plus, links to my two favourite SPN 3x01 episode stills. I really wouldn't say these spoil anything but the look of one of the interior sets for the episode SAM AND DEAN!

2. I completely teared up watching the Behind The Lights featurette on the FNL DVD. Proving once again that no matter how much you love something there's always room to love it more.

f: most embarrassing posts, f: jensen ackles: picspam, f: supernatural: picspam, f: friday night lights: text

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