At least I didn't kill a monkey

Jul 12, 2007 15:49

  • Does anyone else's dog have a favourite place to to be sick? For my dog it's the stairs. That high traffic area with the cream carpeting. It's called linoleum, little dog. You'll find it in multiple parts of the house. LOOK IN TO IT.

  • FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. Yeah, I'm not ashamed to have jumped on that bandwagon. ( Two completely random things that cracked me up from episode 3: )

f: man vs wild: text, f: the west wing: trivia, f: flight of the conchords: picspam, f: the west wing: text

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_jems_ July 12 2007, 23:31:05 UTC
1. Q: What are the only three words in the english language to start with "dw"?
A: Dwarf, dwell and...dwigt? Heh, I can't think of the third one.
2. Q: In episode 2, what does Josh drink from, and what does he want Donna to bring him?
A: The keg of glory. Oh crap, I forgot. All the bagels a muffins(?) in the land?
3. Q: What nickname does Sam give the Abstinence Plus sex education initiative?
4. Q: What do we learn about the death penalty and the Sabbath in Take This Sabbath Day?
5. Q: How much time is there between when Charlie's mother was shot and killed and when he starts working at the white house?
A: Two years?
6. Q: What does "Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc" mean? And according to Jed is it most often correct or incorrect?
7. Q: In what episode do we meet Abby Bartlet for the first time?
A: 2?
8. Q: What does Andy try to tempt Toby with?
A: Pie (that one of her constituents baked)
9. Q: Why does Donna tell Josh she's keeping his change at the end of Mr. Willis of Ohio (episode 6)?
A: Because she didn't get her tax money back from the budget surplus.
10. Q: What are the first names of these characters?
A: Well, that's Margaret and Donna and in the middle there are a bunch of people whose names I couldn't even begin to guess.
11. Q: What does Josh buy Donna for Christmas? What did she ask for?
A: A book. Skis. (Right? She's going skiing anyway.)
12. Q: What day of the week is it when Josh wears his special suit for Joey Lucas?
A: Tuesday.
13. Q: What's the name of the wolf CJ learns about in The Crackpots and These Woman.
A: Oh man, it's on the tip of my brain...
14. Q: What's the first thing we ever hear Jed Bartlet say (either give me the line, or tell me what he's quoting)?
A: Knowing Jed he's probably quoting the Bible.
15. Q: What are Jed, CJ, Zoey, and Sam's secret service code names?
A: POTUS, Flamingo, Bookbag and...I'm out.
16. Q: What's one reason given on the show for why a town in Alabama can't abolish all laws except the Ten Commandments?
17. Q: Which staffer asks to be the person left in charge during the State of the Union in case the Capitol Building blows up?
A: I know it's the mayor from Buffy who ends up being the person staying behind, but who asks for it...? Josh?
18. Q: What is Sam's middle name?
19. Q: Accoding to Jed, Mrs Landingham withholds which one of the following things: pens, food, his keys.
A: Pens.
20. Q: What does this signal mean, both in the show and in aeronautics.
21. Q: What word does Josh trick CJ in to saying after she has root canal?
22. Q: According to Jed in Mr. Willis of Ohio, what's the nightmare scenario?
23. Q: What is the name of the person Jed brings in to serve as his adviser on the India Pakistan dispute?
24. Q: What job was Charlie originally applying for? What job does he end up with?
A: Messenger. Personal aide to the president? I don't know the exact title.
25. Q: According to Sam, the Deputy Communications Director who doesn't know a thing about the White House itself, where did the wood for the chairs in the Roosevelt room come from?
A: A pirate ship?
26. Q: Which senior staffer is closest to correctly guessing the number by which the approval rating has increased or decreased at the end of Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics. Bonus points if you can tell me whether the approval rating goes up or down, and by how many points.
A: CJ. I think.
27. Q: What are the two things you never want to show how they're made?
A: Sausages and laws.
28. Q: When, and from which character do we first hear that iconic phrase "what's next?".
A: Leo?

Well, if nothing else I think that pretty much proves I need to do a rewatch. *g*


bellanut July 12 2007, 23:56:19 UTC
Let's see, you got 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26 and 27 correct. So, 10 out of 28. I'm sure you'd have got more if you'd watched it recently. Still! Tisk, tisk!

Dwarf, dwell and...dwigt? Heh, I can't think of the third one.

You're hilarious. The third one was dwindle. But apparently those aren't the only words in the english language that start with "dw". WHOOPS, SORKIN.

Well, that's Margaret and Donna and in the middle there are a bunch of people whose names I couldn't even begin to guess.

Hahah! I thought only one of those people would have been a stretch.

I totally gave you #13 even though I was looking more for what the exact quote was. But you're not wrong!

For 15 you didn't give the correct answer for Jed. I think that's just his job title acronym, but that he has a different secret service name.

I know it's the mayor from Buffy who ends up being the person staying behind

Hahah! While I was watching this I noticed that one of the Ainsley Hayes friends is that red head with the super curly hair who dated Wes on AtS for a while.


_jems_ July 13 2007, 00:43:39 UTC
I think I have some kind of mental block when it comes to TWW because it's one of the few shows that I started watching before I found online fandom, and kept watching after. I don't take in as much because the first four years were basically spent being just a regular viewer instead of a fan.

I totally gave you #13
You mean 14, not 13, right? Because I didn't even put down that I thought it was a name that ended in ie or y like I was thinking.

Hahah! I thought only one of those people would have been a stretch.
I have such issues with Sorkin and his propensity for giving the characters on all his shows the same names. Dear GOD, buy a baby names book or something!


bellanut July 13 2007, 03:17:50 UTC
It's funny that there's a distiction between watching things regularly and watching things watching them as A Fan, but there totally is. Sometimes I kind of resent not being able to just watch certain things casually without paying serious attention and hanging off of every word. It's hard work being fandomy!

Oops, yeah, I meant #14. Good reasoning on that.

Haha! I know what you mean. Like, it's a little bit ridiculous when the two psychiatrists Josh meets with over the course of the show are both named Stanley.


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