I already have a drink, do you think he'd buy me mozzerella sticks?

Mar 15, 2007 10:06

Happy, happy, birthday nm973!!!

Thanks, Rosie Perez. You're in my good books again. I really thought after White Men Can't Jump it was all plateau for you, but you've gone and proven me wrong. I thought it was very entertaining how Jensen kept trying to go in to robotic SPN promo mode (they should really leave that stuff to the tall one), but Jimmy just wanted to talk about his personal life, and how many people on the internet want to have sex with him. Poor little fella. I bet he spends a lot of time being grumbly and emo about the fact that people don't take him seriously cause of how pretty he is. And if that's true I really do hope he gets mocked about it mercilessly. Hey, as curses go, it's really not the worst out there.

No joke, five things you might not have realized you can do with Jensen's eyelashes:
- open a can of soup
- hold up a bank
- tickle someone until they pass out
- pick a lock
- scale a steep cliff

Listen, winter_baby, I know you're off livin' it up in Florida right now, but when you get back and you hear about this I really do think it would be best if you and Kyle throw in the towel while you still have a wee spot of dignity still intact. It was never going to go any other way. Deep down I think you both knew that all along.

Also: Totally random Liz Lemon capspam!

If the world wasn't such a cruel and unjust place I would be Liz Lemon right now. I wouldn't even complain about having lettuce in my hair all the time.

Liz Lemon words of wisdom:

Lemon: Why would Jack just assume we're lesbians?
Gretchen: I am a lesbian.
Lemon: That's awesome.

Lemon: Is this because I wanted to submit us for The Amazing Race? Cause I was 80% joking about that.

Lemon: I thought I was Oprah in this metaphor.

Lemon: You need to dress like you have a job. And parents who raised you in some sort of shame-based American religious tradition.

Lemon: Why is there hair everywhere? Did you shave in the kitchen?

Dennis: So what did you want to talk to me about?
Lemon: Nothing, forget it. I just want to listen to you play Halo until I fall asleep.

Jenna: If that's true, then I'm taking you out to celebrate. A girls night. We'll meet some new people.
Lemon: Oh, you mean like at a discotheque?

Jenna: That guy wanted to buy you a drink.
Lemon: Really? I already have a drink, do you think he'd buy me mozzerella sticks?

Lemon: There are other things in life, like having a career, and working, and... having a job... and... working...

Pete: What's the baby's name?
Lemon: Well, Anna calls her Isabelle, but I call her Nancy.

Lemon: Well, you're right again. Write it down in your little "I'm awesome" book.

Lemon: I stole a baby, Jack. I'm takin' a half day.

Lemon: Why would you want to go out with me?
The Head: Because... it would be fun. And... you seem cool.
Lemon: What?

Lemon: The Hair asked ME out.
Jenna: What? THE The Hair? What did you say?
Lemon: I had to say yes! He looked at me with those crazy handsome guy eyes. It was like the death star tractor beam when the falcon was...
Jenna: No, Liz, do not talk about stuff like that on your date. Guys like that do not like Star Trek.
Lemon: Wars!

Lemon: He's The Hair, and I am a Head plus at best.

Lemon: Sooo, you guys been' watching Hereos? I like the Japanese dude.

Jenna: How's it going?
Lemon: Terrifying. It's too much, I just want to go home and watch that show about midgets and eat a block of chedder cheese.

Lemon: On the count of three say what level of cousins we'd have to be for this to be okay.

Lemon: Standing up, what? How does that even work?
Jack: You're kidding, right?

Lemon: Oh, I found the card, actually. They're from you're mom, so tell your gay mom thanks.

Lemon: So, how about Lost this season?
Steven: Sorry, I don't own a t.v.
Lemon: Really? What do you sit and look at?

Jenna: Steven played the race card?
Lemon: Yes.
Jenna: What did you do?
Lemon: What else could I do? I picked up the check and I made out with him a little in the taxi.

Lemon: Can't one human being not like another human being? Can't we all just not get along?

Tracy: So what's your religion, Liz Lemon?
Lemon: I pretty much just do whatever Oprah tells me to.

Pete: Hey, Liz, you can't fire the other Liz unless she's in the bottom ten percent.
Lemon: You can just tell she is by her stupid face.

Lemon: You're fired. I'M THE DECIDER.

Jack: That's really sad.
Lemon: It really is, isn't it? I'm gonna go talk to some food about this.

Jack: I was impressed by the way you take a punch, Lemon.
Lemon: I played dead for the worst of it, but that didn't fool your family.

Assorted Lemon centric 30 Rock caps here. Passord = rapt. Folder = screencaps > 30rock.

f: 30 rock: quotes, f: jensen ackles: picspam, f: 30 rock: picspam

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