What are you talking about? I'm a joy to be around.

Mar 01, 2007 09:36

It was my birthday yesterday! It wasn't a big day or anything (though my mom did surprise me with chocolate and an adorable new bag!), I just like feeling inwardly like king of the castle for the day. Which you all totally encouraged with your birthday banners, and all your well-wishes. Though, honestly, I don't know what gave you all the impression I like Jensen Ackles. IT'S LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL.

I meant to post yesterday, but then I figured I should finish this SPN picspam from hell, so THAT didn't happen. Making this picspam has felt far too much like writing an essay. Even though I was happy with the essay topic I still couldn't sit still long enough to write more than a page a day.

Also is was shannigansx birthday yesterday, so happy b-day to you too!

Friday Night Lights:
BO AND TIM RIGGINS! I can still hear Bo talking about keeping his voice down to a level 3 and I'M STILL LAUGHING ABOUT IT. I started off not liking Riggins, then my affections for him seemed to vary depending on the state of his hair, but now I'm whole-heartedly on Team Riggins.

AND TYRA! I fucking lost it when Trya's mother fell on the glass. Their relationship is so painful to watch sometimes. But not because they clash with each other. Because they love each other so deeply. Moreso than any other relationship on the show I feel uncomfortably voyeuristic watching those two. And than Tyra standing up to Tammy, and Tammy not backing down, and both of them being right, and both of them makign me cry! And Tyra mocking Tammy's offer of help when in actuality it's exactly what she wants and needs. GOD, SHOW. KILL ME NOW.

Supernatural 2x15 - Tall Tales:

Damn, this episode was fugly. No more with the guest directors, capeesh? Kim Manners and Philip Sgriccia only, please. And David Nutter. Nutter is more than welcome. I watched the Pilot again last night and, man oh man, I am a big fan of David Nutter.

Warning: mostly this is just me laughing along with the episode again. No real intelligent thought, per se.

Dean is such a jackass sometimes. I LOVE IT. And I love that I'm no less attracted to him when he's acting like a human hoover with a plate of poutine than when he's being hot and authoritative with a gun in his hand.

Sam: Dude, you mind not eating those on my bed?
Dean: No, I don't mind.

That face? Dean's "I'm proud I'm a jackass" face? MIGHT just be the most amusing Dean face ever. But then he goes and does the scrunchy nose face immediately after AND I GET CONFUSED AND CONFLICTED. OH, DEAN.

Sam leaning. Mmmm. Now that Padalecki's face isn't quite so wide I'm finding him more attractive. I even like the hair. SOMETIMES.

This is totally random placement, I KNOW, but here's some "Mmmm, Jensen" to go with the "Mmmm, Jared":

And this is Dean totally checking out Sam's ass and then covering for it. Caught on camera, baby!

Also, BOBBY! Bobby glancing disturbingly at Dean's leftovers!

Dean, what are you drinking?

I don't know, man. I think they're called Purple Nurples?

God, I'm trying to watch this episode again AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THROUGH FIVE SECONDS WITHOUT HAVING TO STOP AND LAUGH. Case in point: The zipping sound Dean makes when he says "I've got some feisty wildcat on the hook I'm about to zuuut, reel'er in."

Starla, this is my shuttle co-pilot Major Tom.

SAM'S FACE. TOO FUNNY. And equally funny? The fact that Sam's distorted version of Dean really isn't that far off.

This was such a throw-away little moment, but I loved it SO MUCH:

I don't know.

Was anyone else really distracted by Dean's version of himself? And the way that grad student was fondling his neck?

I'm sorry, I can't even concentrate. It's like staring in to the sun.

Dean, WHAT do you think you're doing?

Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We don't have time for any of your blah, blah, blah blah.


Sam's jacket flung over his shoulder totally made the scene.

Sam: Right, and that's how it really happened. I don't sound like that, Dean.
Dean: That's what you sound like to me.

Dean: Married couples can get divorced. Me and him? We're like siamese twins.
Sam: It's conjoined twins!
Dean: See what I mean?

Dean: Come on, I ate one, maybe two!

OH GOD, I'M LAUGHING SO HARD AGAIN. Jensen really has no idea how to only go half way, does he? BLESS HIM.

Okay, I'm a little bit obsessed with this next scene for two reasons.

Reason #1: Jensen opening to beer bottle with his ring = HOT. What do you think the odds are that Dean has a bartending certificate?

Reason #2: SAM. He reaches for the beer, attempts to untwist the cap, realizes it's not a twist cap, sits there for a minute looking forlorn, then gives up on the beer in favour of his computer. I'm not sure why I love that so much, BUT I DO.

Sam: Dude, were you on my computer?
Dean: No.
Sam: Oh, really? Cause it's frozen now. On bustyasians.com.

Sam: Dean! Would you, just, don't touch my stuff anymore, okay.

I fucking love how John Shiban writes the boys banter. He writes them like they're teenagers with no vocabulary at all. But that's not an insult, I love them that way. Like, they bring out the greatest immaturity in each other. Another example:

Dean: What the hell?
Sam: I don't know.
Dean: No, seriously, dude, WHAT THE HELL?

MY FAVOURITE PART OF THE WHOLE EPISODE! OH, THE FACES. And Sam actually gets to join in the smirking instead of having the play the straight empathetic one.

Curtis: They did tests on me. And, um, they, ah... they probed me.

Dean: They probed you?
Curtis: Yeah, the probed me. Again, and again, and again, and again, and... [takes a drink]

Curtis: ...and again, and again, and again, and then one more time.
Dean: Yikes.

Curtis: And that's not even the worst of it.
Dean: How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch.

Curtis: They made me slow dance!

Bobby: You guys are exaggerating again, huh?
Boys: NO.


I want you to know, I'm here for you.

You brave little soldier. I awknowledge your pain.

You're too precious for this world.

Dean: It's okay.


Bobby: Did you take his computer?
Dean: Serves him right, but no.
Sam: Well, I didn't lose it, CAUSE I DON'T LOSE THINGS.

See previous remark about living Shiban's dialogue. Sam was going to be a laywer, and THAT'S the best defense he can come up with? I LOVE IT.

ANGRY DEAN. YES, THANK YOU. Also, Sam with a money clip with his initials on it? I want to know who gave him that.

Sam: Hey, give me back my money.

Dean: Oh, no. Consider it reparations for emotional trauma.
Sam: Very funny, now give it back!

Sam: Dean, I have had it up to here with you.

The man wresting? The acting like children? STILL AWESOME.

Bobby: Okay, I've heard enough.


Dean: A trickster! That's what I thought!
Sam: No you didn't!

Um, I just like watching them fight.


Trust me, sugar, it's gonna feel real.

The way he passes on the offer while not actually taking his eyes off the girls? JENSEN ACKLES PERFECT, ATTACK!

Would it be wrong to want Dean and the trickster to become best buddies? COME ON.

Dean: Yeah, I don't think I can let you do that.

I gotta tell you, I dig your style. I do, I mean, the slow-dancing alien?

Not bad.


Once again we have the pleasure of watching Dean get his ass kicked royally by the opposite gender. I LOVE MY SHOW. I also love how much Dean's shirt was riding up. Well done, all around.

Favourite Jensen Ackles Perfection Attack moment of the night right here. Dean asking if the others are okay while putting his hand to his own head. And then the sound he makes? And the way he walks out of the shot? Oh man, it's those little moments that you really can't get unless you see them in action.

Sam: Dean, I just want to say...
Dean: Hey, me too.

Bobby: You guys are breakin' my heart, can we please just leave?


Yes, there were things to nitpick (Sam immediately recognized the alligator belly scale? Why didn't the boudoir set disappear when the trickster "died"? This was an X-Files episode, yes? Etc, etc), but I enjoyed myself enough that the nitpicky stuff doesn't bother me all that much.

Also, also! We have another Ben Edlund episode comeing up! I AM GIDDY WITH ANTICIPATION!

In conclusion: apple juggling.

f: supernatural: picspam, f: friday night lights: text

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