This is not your brain on drugs

Feb 23, 2007 10:36

I've been MIA for a while because my body IS A TRAITOR and got horidly ill against my better judgment. I'll skip the gorey details and just say that IT WAS BAD. I don't think I've ever been that sick in my life. And it lasted FOR. EV. ER. It's still not 100% gone, but I'm funtional again. I can deal with functional.

The Office:
Pam, Karen and Jan for the slam dunk! And Dwight "Good, you're awake" Shrute. Finding out that Pam never told Roy about Jim made me really proud of her. Using Jim as an excuse to break up with Roy would have been an easy thing to do, but it would have been a lie. Way to go, Pam! Not that it makes Jim any less of a dead man now. IS IT WRONG THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT CONFONTATION?!? As long as Roy doesn't actually hurt Jim. I'm not sure I can stand seeing that. I just want lots of yelling and testosterone. And I want Jim to come clean and speak the truth about Pam/Roy. And for Roy to hear what he says and realize he's right. In my head that's how it goes down!

One of the things I did while sick (after the world-won't-stop-spinning/projectile-vomiting phase was over) was catch up on Grey's Anatomy. I really only like Grey's when I marathon it. The only way I can ignore all the insanity, swallow all the gooeyiness and just enjoy the crack of it is if I watch it in quick succession.

Since I was caught up, and SPN was a re-run, I watched last night's episode in real time. Mostly I hated it and mocked it mercilessly, but still I feel the need to document THE OUTRAGEOUS HOTTNESS that was Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyle Chandler in the same place at the same time. Not just in the same place at the same time, but bickering together in the same place at the same time. OH MY KNEES, THEY ARE WEAK.

Denny: She's freakin' out.
Coach Taylor: She's not freaking out.
Denny: Oh, okay Mr. I've been dead longer and knows everything.
Coach Taylor: You know what, that's why I don't like to be here with you, you don't assess the situation, you just dive right in.
Denny: Oh, I'm not the one who got himself all blown up.

Coach Taylor: Alright, do you want to do this now or do you want to do this later?
Denny: Oh, oh, I want to do this now. I will kick your ass any time. I'm the one with the fresh heart.

Meredith: This is the brain thing, this is the katamine nuro-transmiter thing, right.
Denny & Coach Taylor: No.

Meredith: Dog!
Coach Taylor: Meredeith, this is not your brain on drugs.

Coach Taylor: You're really freakin' dead, you're takin' a dirt nap dead...
Denny: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Way too harsh.

Denny: Remember we're gonna take it easy? That was not easy.

Denny: Meredith, you drowned. In Elliot Bay. You remember that?
Meredith: Yeah, that sucked.

Coach Taylor: This is gonna take a while.

(Watch this scene)

There aren't words in the english language for how much I enjoyed that scene. I was pracically levitating off the sofa from the power of my glee.

Well, if you are going to drop to the ground with a gaping chest wound you might as well fall back in to THAT set of arms.

(Watch this scene)

Denny: Good, yeah. Show up now and be a smart-ass.

(Watch this scene)

Denny: What happened in that water?
Meredith: I swam. I fought!
Denny: No, you didn't.

Denny: And you can't stay here.
Meredith: I don't want to!

Denny: Yeah, you do. It's easier. But you can't.

Meredith: I was swimming. I was fighting. And then I thought, just for a second, I thought what's the point. And then I let go. I stopped fighting. Don't tell anyone.

I really felt for Meredith here. Doesn't everyone know what it's like to stop fighting? Even just for a moment? I do. And I loved the point that sometimes a moment is all it takes to lose everything.

Meredith: I had intimacy issues!
Denny: Yeah.
Meredith: Do you know how stupid that seems now?
Denny: Yeah, I do.

OH, MEREDITH. I loved the blatant acknowledgment of what a mess she is. And Denny's bottomless empathy. I want Jeffrey Dean Morgan to be my life coach!

(Watch this scene)

And then I stopped mocking and shut the hell up because Izzy and Denny break my heart and a hundred episodes just as silly as this one are worth it for one third of this moment:

(Watch this scene)

Is it wrong that I never want Izzy to ever love anyone else again? If yes, I DON'T CARE. And I so, so, so want JDM to come back to SPN and do something similar with Dean. I DON'T CARE HOW CHEESY IT WOULD BE. Or maybe Izzy could come to SPN and hook up with Dean. Even though that would be some sort of bizarro cross-fandom incestuous no-no.

Also, I got a birthday gift in the mail! I don't actually have it yet, but just knowing it's out there has made my day. This might sound strange, but it always surprises me to realize that people think of me when I'm not right there in front of them. It's not quite the opposite of solipsism. Maybe it's like being an inside out solipsist. ANYWAY, every now and then I realize people do think of me, and makes me feel more alive. More present in the world beyond my own experiences. Not to get all existential over a package in the mail or anything!

f: the office: text, f: greys anatomy: picspam

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