There really is magic in the magic fingers

Feb 03, 2007 10:18

I can't stop listening to Andrew Bird and Arcade Fire over and over! That wouldn't be a problem, except that I keep turning the volume up and up and up, because it's just so good, except that musically induced headaches are really no better than the regular kind. Still, it's been a long time since I've been this cuckoo for a couple of albums. I like remembering what that feels like.

I realize this is more capspam than one post should ever see, but it's not my fault all my most fandomy shows air on the same night. And if I post about one before the others I just won't end up posting about the others at all. As evidenced by the fact that I have three finished picspams that have been waiting to be posted for weeks and months.

Friday Night Lights 1x14: Upping the Ante
Not since The West Wing has a show made me teary so often over happy moments.

Smallville 6x13: Crimson
WOW. It was as if the writers said "hey, let's take everything that's subtext and say it out loud!". Except Clark/Lex, of course. I'd have died if they'd gone there. Either way, I LOVED IT. I did found the lois and Clark stuff a bit heavy handed, but that might be because I can't stand the idea of those two. Hopefully Clark was right about Lois being the future, not the present. So this makes three episodes of Smallville in a row that I've really enjoyed. As much as I miss Ollie, I have to admit that the show somehow feels more like Smallville without him. Speaking of Oliver! I laughed so hard at the way they managed to use his pretty pretty set in a scene despite his being gone! And the fact that that's where Clark finally took his shirt off. It's like the apartment of shirtlessness!


Way to take an creepy scene and make it all adorable, Rosenbaum. *g*

I can't say I haven't thought about it.

Favourite cap of the episode.

Aw. Poor, Chloe. It's not like Jimmy isn't on the right track. But Chloe can't help the way she feels. She always works so hard to keep her feelings for Clark in check, but it's never enough.

Evil Clark is my favourite Clark! I seem to like everybody on this show best when they're evil. And it's the only time I ever find Welling attractive. So that was fun. And I enjoyed that they took the old cliche of someone getting doused with love potion one step further by having Clark adversley effected.

I know this isn't the most typical pregnancy, but everything's on schedule.

YEEEEEEES!!! I mean, JUST YES. That story has been boring me since they introduced it, because I just don't care about stupid babies, and because it's given Clark and Lana and excuse to be all overkill emo about each other, and because Lex and Lana don't even seem to like each other most of the time, BUT NOW I'M INTRIGUED. Thank you, yet again, for being an evil bastard, Lex.

And one from last week, because sometimes those two are just so cute:

Supernatural 2x13: Houses of the Holy
I was underwhelmed. In the same way that Croatoan underwhelmed me. I loved the idea behind the episode, and the way many of the elements played out, and yet I wasn't overly impressed or entertained by any of it. For me it was forgettable. And not all that smart. Like that bit with Dean and that flask he apparently carries around and pulls out all the time even though we've never seen it before? I just can't enjoy such a blatant device as that.

All that being said, I just couldn't help but picspam anyway!

Conclusion: Sam needs to wear short sleeves more often.

There really is magic in the magic fingers

Favourite part of the episode!

Did you bring quarters?1?

You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.

Jensen delivered his line about the quaters TO THE COIN MACHINE! Please, someone give the man an award, already. And that line about Dean being like a lab rat was my favoutite in the whole episode BAR NONE. And Dean's response! "What are you talking about, I eat." Completely missing the point. TOO FUNNY.

Yeah, I just liked the leaning and the gesticulating going on here.

Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?

It's so great when one of them throws a joke in to the middle of an argument and knocks the other off his tracks.

Well I think I learned a valuable lesson. Always take down your Christmas decorations after New Years or you might get flayed by a hooker from god.

Breaking and entering has never been more hot.

Shawnessy, exactly. What did I say?

The things you learn about a guy.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the Sam praying revelation. It makes sense from the standpoint of his character, I just don't think I like it. Which is probably my own bias talking.

Oh, boys. I loved this scene, but not because of the writing. For me it was all about the music and the acting. That little ping of the piano as Dean offers his flask to Sam makes my face tigthen and my eyes water every time (see also The Choice from BtVS). And Jared held back perfectly with all of his smiling, and with the way he recovers himself at parts instead of just progressively losing it throughout. And Dean just watching him with so much concern. And then the song starts! I was weeping a split second after I placed that song. I only wish they'd pulled back on Dean's dialogue a bit. I wish he'd only gone so far as to say that if he hadn't seen the way the guy died with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed it. The gods will bit was too much for me, and gimicky considering how Sam had used those exact words earlier.

And here's some random neck porn and prettiness:

And some random FACES:

The Office 3x15: Ben Franklin
My favourite part of this episode? Karen becoming annoying in that totally normal way that HAPPENS ALL THE TIME IN REAL LIFE. But I completely empthasize with her crazy sauce. What girl wouldn't be self conscious, and digging for reassurance even though it's only hurting the situation under those circumstances. Of course she needs to try and play it cool, but, god, it's just so realistic that she's floundering. I actually like her best right now when she's buddying it up with Pam. I just wish there was some way for the three of them to be friends with Jim and Pam as the couple. Yeah, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. And I loved Pam in this episode. She tries to do the right thing given the circumstances and the choices she's made, but she can't help where she stands, and she can't help reacting to the situation in ways that are sometimes mature and sometimes not so mature. IT'S JUST SO REALISTIC.

It's so wrong. I feel dirty for putting it in my journal. Dwight wasn't even embarrassed AT ALL.


Maybe my favourite moment of the entire episode.

When I get eight hours, compared to like six hours, like, big difference.

OH, PAM. YOU'RE KILLING ME. And then Jim calls her Beasley, AND THAT KILLS ME TOO. And I just have nothing coherant to say about them and their awkwardness other than *DJ#L#JDDDS(@.

he hasn't even said a word yet. Just giggling.

Pam's face!

And Angela loving Ben Franklin!

And the George Foreman grill!!!

I stopped talking because I don't think I can talk about this show. I CAN ONLY LAUGH AT IT. The dillio of life! Guys afternoon in! DWIGHT ORDERING THE HOOKER! Ben Franklin tying a cherry stem in his mouth! Jan being closer to firing Michael than she is to ending the relationship! I just... how do they fit so much funny in to only half an hour? And then Michaels speech at the end about it being wrong that Ben Franklin can be president but not Elizabeth the stripper. OH, MICHAEL. I have no idea how on earth Mindy came up with the whole Ben Franklin thing, but that was freakin' genius.

PS. Jensen Ackles Perfection Attack!

f: music, f: supernatural: picspam, f: smallville: picspam, f: friday night lights: text

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