Jason Teague part 1

Jan 02, 2007 08:12

Man, LJ is pretty dead lately, eh? It's almost as if there'd just been a major holiday combined with an across the board television show hiatus, or something.

I feel strangley awkward jumping right back in to the old routine, but, um, yeeaaaaah... I don't really do substance. So...

I'm really embarrassed about this post. It's excessive. Even by my standards, which are hugely skewed in the wrong direction to begin with. It's so excessive I've decided to break it up in to two parts, which I hate doing, but it really is ginormous. But that's not the main reason for the embarrassment. I don't feel so bad when I'm excessive about characters like Jim or Logan, because they actually deserve it, but Jason Teague? Jason Teague is an awful character. I'm not even going to pretend otherwise. He's not even so much a character as a device to be used by who ever happens to be standing next to him as they see fit, irregardless of what he may or may not done previously. Add to that the fact that he's a ginormous male Mary-Sue (unless he's a mustache twirling psycho), and that his main interactions are with Lana Lang and, yeah, this is me embarrassed. There's no good excuse for this. There are so many shows and characters more deserving of this kind of attention. It's really just because it's Jensen Ackles, and he he's pretty. I really am that shallow and that shameless. ENJOY.

Hi! For those of you who clicked on the lj-cut, welcome to Shamelessville! I'll be your host today on this tour of every single face made by Jensen Ackles on Smallville. Because, fandom is bottomless, and why not, right?


4x01 Crusade
Aka the one where Clark runs around naked, Chloe is nowhere to be found, and Jason and Lana prance around in the city of love.

Here we have the first of much evidence that Jason is a male Mary-Sue. He remembers important details and spins them in to unique and thoughtful gifts. In this case the thoughtful gift involves a trip to Nice. Well played, Teague.

Unfortunately they seem to shoot most Jason/Lana kisses from this angle. The angle in which Lana's face gets in the way of a good viewing of Jasons lips.

Jason: But I really think you should make out with me in this church.
Lana: No.

And then Lana gets inhabited by the dormant spirit of a witch, causing her to freak out and ditch Jason in Paris.

4x02: Gone
Aka the one where Jason travels half way across the world and feaks Lana out with the whole Cary Grant moment.

Jason: "I kept trying to convince myself that this wasn't about me, but, can't really put that in a note, can you."

Further evidence that Jason Teague is a male Mary-Sue? He says things like "Lana, I didn't come here to get you. I came here to be with you." And then he does. He drops everything to live in Smallville all for a highschool girl he's only known for a couple of months. That's Lana for yeah.

4x03: Facade
Aka the one where Lana could get detention and Jason could get fired. Coach Teague!

Clark, as always, is completely obvlious to any and all secrets that aren't his own.

Oh, coach Teague! With your clip board, and your red shirt, and your whistle wrapped around your hand.

When Jason and Lex share a scene I'm a happy camper. I wonder if the directors come right out and tell Rosenbaum to flirt with everyone, or if that's all him. Either way I approve.

Watch as Jason refuses to let Lana be emo about how pretty she is. Thank you, Jason. As if it wasn't already hard enough to empathize with Miss Lang.

Jason: "I already know you're stuck up. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about that."

Lana: No. I'm being serious.
Jason: But wouldn't it be more fun to giggle and kiss?

4x04: Devoted
Aka the one where the cheerleaders spike the gatorade and get the football players to do their bidding.

Just look at how small that t-shirt is. Thank you, Smallville.

I really failed at the colour correction of these caps, I know, but he's shirtless, so they're staying in the post.

Here's Jason after drinking the love potion kool-aid. A little bit loopy and a lot violent. Both enjoyable in their own right.

When I said this post was embarrassingly excessive, I wasn't refering to this drinking bit right here. I feel completely justified in this bit.

4x05: Run
Aka the one with Cassidy Casablancas!

4x06: Transference
Aka the one where Lana and Jason are busted. Except not really because it's actualy Lionel Luthor in Clarks body, but they don't know that.

4x08: Spell
Aka the one where the girls get possessed by witches and cast a spell causing the boys the dance around in their underwear. Other stuff happens, but that's the important bit.

Unfortunately, that was Lana sending Jason away from the naked barn party. THANKS, LANA.

See, naked barn party:

There's a really funny moment in this scene where Jason looks Clark up and down and considers the situation for a minute. The slash on this show really is canon.

4x09: Bound
Aka the one where Lana blames Jason for his mothers inappropriate behaviour.

Ackles + rain + blue and purple lightning.


4x10: Scare
Aka the one where everyone's worst nightmares come true.

Further evidence that Jason is a male Mary-Sue: his worst nightmare in life is that Lana will leave him for Clark. And then stab him with a pair of scissors.

And then they break up. I actually found this scene really sad. Partially because watching people break up is always sad, and partially because Ackles is just so good at the man pain with the face and the eyes and the crinkled brow.

To be continued. And the next installment includes torture while shirtless!

Please don't spoil me for the end of the season. I haven't seen the last few episodes yet.

Disclaimer: I'm not happy with the way most of these turned out. I'm really not the best at colour correction, and I find Smallville caps go super yellow when set to screen and soft light. To make things worse, Jason and Lana have really different skin tones. While he's getting more and more magenta she's just getting more and more yellow.

Credit: Caps are mine. For graphics and whatnot please use the originals, which can be found here, and not the ones in this post. I'm not sure I'm going to bother uploading all of them unless I know someone wants them. So if you do want me to upload a particular episode just leave me a comment and I'll happily get it for you.

Question: Is this post sufficiently dial-up heavy as it is, or would it have been okay to include the other half which is just as large? I really have no point of reference for such decisions. I hate breaking things up because I don't think people will have things to say about two nearly identical posts, in which case I might as well post it all at once, but I also don't want to post so many images that half of them go unnoticed. Thoughts? Opinions?

f: jensen ackles: picspam, f: smallville: picspam

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