(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 11:44

  1. Torchwood 1x01 & 1x02:

    I liked it. Of course I liked it. But I didn't think it was anything special. You know what I mean? It wasn't anything we haven't seen before. And not just on other shows, BUT ON RUSTY'S SHOWS. Inadvertantly being infludenced by your mentors is one thing, but ripping off yourself? In the sister show? I want better than that. This is a new set of characters. Please do something different with them!

    Remember that really awesome scene in Rose when Rose runs in to the TARDIS, and she asks The Doctor if he's alien, and he says yes, and he asks her if that's alright, and she says yes? Well, I loved that scene. It was quick, and sure of itself, and it said so much about who Rose and the Doctor were using the absolute smallest amount of dialogue possible. Well, sometimes I felt like the pilot of Torchwood was that scene diluted and then repeated over and over. On the one hand I was happy to see something even resembling it. But on the other hand, it was no where near as good at the original scene.

    I'm always especially disappointed when sci fi shows can't deliver in the originality department considering the near limitless possibilities of the genre. And I'm even more disappointed with how similar Gwen/Jack is to Rose/The Doctor. So far, at least. I know it's a classic relationship, and that it works, but COME ON. However, Gwen is crazy pretty and I'm already crushing on her hardcore. And Jack, well, HE'S CAPTAIN JACK. And he and Gwen have a tendency to stare at each other when the other isn't looking, WHICH ALWAYS GETS ME, so I'm already kinda shipping them in the way that I ship all pretty people who stand next to each other. Not that I want this show to be all about their angsty unrequitable love, because I really don't, but I'm gonna recap the shippy bits anyway. JUST FOR KICKS.

    See how pretty she is? And how he stares at her and touches her in a way that may or may not be appropriate in a professional setting?

    LOVE IT.

    And then this bit really sold me.

    Their feet are so adorable. I really think I might be shipping them entirely because of those shots of their feet.

    And then there was this part with all the smiling and the intense staring. And the mention of retcon, WHICH MADE ME LAUGH AND LAUGH. It's nice having a writer who's familiar with fandom, but not in the way that Sorkin is familiar with fandom, if you know what I mean.

    And then there was kissing. Kissing already! I'm feeling kind of hypocritical right now because here I am picspamming it, yet I actually thought the kiss was forced, and weird, and unnecessary. Oh well, hypocrite it is, then! I blame Jack.

    I've seen a lot of complaints that Gwen is very Mary Sue, which, I agree with. The thing is, I don't really mind. I know it makes me a Bad Feminist and a Bad Television Elitist, but I like it when the boy adores the girl more than he has reason to and the girl is more awesome than girls usually are in reality. I'd prefer it if RTD were a little more subtle and complex about it, but it doesn't drive me crazy that he isn't as long as he keeps me otherwise entertained. And I loved that Gwen ended up screwing up her first day because she was trying to be tough, and to stand up for herself, and fit in. That really endeared her to me because that is so something I would do. And possibly something I have done.

    I don't feel much for the other characters yet. Aside from Owen who I'd like to see slowly burning in a firey pit of molten lava. And Ianto, who I'm excited about. He seems intelligent, and clever, and good-humoured.

    And then there was the hand which is THE GREATEST THING EVER AND I COULD JUST DIE FROM HOW AWESOME THE HAND IS. My only compaint is that they didn't make it look more like Tennants hand. RTD should be familiar enough with fandom to know that we can identify those hands even when they aren't attached to that body. That's a continuity cop out, if you ask me. But I forgive them because I loved all the other DW connections, and I love that Jack is a wee bit (and rightfully so) dark and twisty about the whole thing. I am desperate I am for an encounter between Jack and Ten. DESPERATE. DEEEESPERAAATE.

    Dammit. Now I'm missing Ten. It needs to be Christmas, already. Like, NOW.

  2. You guys have probably already seen this video before, but if not, GO AND WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. It recaps all of season one of Veronica Mars with a focus on Veronica and Lilly. AND IT'S REALLY GREAT.

  3. An awesome article on how to protect your computer from malware. It's long, but it's very easy to read, and it's full of great links and suggestions. BECAUSE KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE.
  4. I was going to talk about Spooks and Studio 60, but I have a short attention span and I'm bored of typing. So I'll just say that I love Tom and Cal, and that I can't believe that Adam has become even more pretty, and leave it at that. *g*
ETA: I have a question, but I'm having trouble phrasing it. Basically, all the images on my computer are associating themselves with Photoshop. Which, I think is causing them to take longer to load. I just want them to associate themselves with Windows XP. I'm sure there's a very simple way to change that, but I can't find it for the life of me. Help!

ETA #2: I'm having mouse issues. It drifts on it's own. Scary, because I've read that can be the symptom of a virus, or malware, but I don't think it is because I've been running checks multiple times day and all seems to be clear. Also, it could just be a hardware problem. Still, I've never had this problem before, and it's definitely irksome.

p: computer issues, f: studio 60: text, f: veronica mars: fanvids, f: spooks: text, f: torchwood: picspam

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