Sometimes I get all aggravated for no good reason. Like, that sprinkler outside is way too loud. And my dog rolled around in something that did not smell like flowers and clean laundry. And why is there no iced tea in the house? And what the hell is with my room being such a disaster area? And fuck you, Doctor Who, for only having four episodes left! And why isn't there a leaked episode of Studio 60 yet? And what is UP with this whole hot weather thing? And why does that person on my friends of friends of friends of list have to use that red font? And why are Jake Gyllenhaal, Ewan Mcgregor and David Tennant not having a pillow fight on my bed right now? GOD. THE NERVE.
Oh, oh! While I'm feeling bitchy, does anyone else feel
a bit cheated when it comes to Josh and Donna? I mean, YES, we got to see them hook up. AT LEAST we got that. But they never said the words! I know it was implied. It was heavily implied beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love each other, but they never said the words! And It didn't necessarily need to be 'I love you'. Just, you know, words of some sort. Actual words complimenting all the making out and hooking up happening on screen. They never had that exchange, and now they never will. And, yes, I'm a little bit bitter.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm really looking forward to Rose's outfit next week: