Title: The Atonement Of A Hero
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Rating: NC - 17 / M
Pairing: US x UK, implied FrUK
Warning: Language, sexual content, cross-dressing
Summary: The year 2029; and Great Britain isn't what it used to be after the disintegration of the Special Relationship and the crowning of the new King. However, the United States does
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Honestly don't know what I should expect on next part. While we all wishes for happy ending, is the event really that easily to change? The decision between countries and their presidents. And while we also know almost nothing from France's side/POV here, yes, it's hard to think what is going to happen xD At least, for me.
Like said, this was supposed to be a short, fluffy yet smutty oneshot.
And it turned into THIS monster. By the way the second chapter is going... I'm afraid I'm going to have to add an epilogue of the sorts. :'D
Lol, for a moment I was wondering how Arthur would be able to ride Alfred with that giant dress -shot- Awh well~ -moves on-
This monster is very much appreciated, luv! If it makes you feel Awesome, then I must honestly tell you that I don't +memory fics often unless I find them exceptionally amazing. This.... Well, I'm gonna stop pulling your leg by saying, yes, I added this into memory even before I made comment -thumbs up-
Epilogue is a must! Where we finally get to see Arthur wearing wedding dress for ALFRED and NOT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! ò[]ó / Even though Arthur might still mourn over his man-pride =u= Poor Arthur, everyone wants him in dress rather than texudo....
-Raises hand being one of the few who prefers Arthur in Texudo but promptly ignored since crossdress is one of the main point in this fic-
/end babbling
As for that dress. The mental image it brought on was hilarious. All I can imagine is Alfred trying to puff it down since it's all up in his face. XD
Man. This is. I am SO honored. ; v ; I'm just like... ARGH. MUSES! MOTIVATION! Amazing. Just amazing.
NOW, no spoilers. BUT. You might just be on to something there. > 3 >
/epic thumbs up.
I would've helped you though
1. I would need to know more detail of the political situation you mentioned in this fic and
2. I don't wanna determine your fic because I would spoil myself, yep xD
Pardon me but I've GOT TO ask.... What happen to Falling in love with New York City now? >3> See Romano in the icon? He also demands to know -coughreadingthenewchaptercough-
I'm just being utterly lazy, I'll admit. I know I'm able to come up with something. Like said, this was written to satisfy my need of writing smut. This is what I get for being a total derp and not being able to write PWP. orz
After I finish studying for my Sociology test, I'm sure I'll think of something. :'D
As for Falling in Love in NYC, well, I've been rather slow, I admit. But I did work on the new chapter just last night. ;D So little Romano will know what happens in just a matter of time. xD
Procrastination is my sworn enemy.
Little Romano is watching you! He's been saving up tomatoes so he would have snack while reading the new update!
Procrastination is enemy of us all.
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