Jan 01, 2008 12:43
I have decided to make 2008 MY YEAR! Not sure why, can't put my finger on it but I have a good feeling about it. I have some things lined up that are going to be brilliant and I just feel very positive about it. Just hope nothing comes along in January that completely bursts my bubble.
Becoming a homeowner
Getting a job that I actually enjoy and am good at
Meeting new people
Going to Sheffield
Watching Death Note
LOWS OF 2007
Getting rejected
Making some silly decisions and not knowing what to do for the best now
Staying in a job I hated for 6 months longer than I should have done
Am sure I have other ones but these are the only ones that are at the forefront of my mind. 2007 was certainly better for me from August onwards so that is why I feel that 2008 will be brilliant for me from beginning to end.
Last night was good, I always find new years a bit of an anticlimax but it was a good night none the less. My strike with Martyn has officially begun now and I am glad. He was saying last night that we are going to have a Wii night on Saturday so watch this space. I still don't trust his memory and now I can't remind him so we shall see.......... We had some really good conversations towards the end but I am getting a bit worried about a demostration I might have to do for him on Saturday. V long story but anyway, I hope he forgets that!!!!
Have no plans whatsoever today except watching endless amounts of death note, will not know what to do with myself when I am done with that.