so i'm in the study. with katie. supposedly writing a paper for TE150. and the paper happens to be a lot easier than i expected. but i still dont want to do it. and im procrastinating. and its due tomorrow.
and our room is a mess. i need to clean it. cause it's all of my stuff.
i cant believe this school year is almost over. 3 more weeks baby :)
kendal and i have been reading our old entries lately haha. i cannot believe when i used to be like i leave for MSU in a month blah blah and now i'm almost going to come home. crazyyy.
ah i'm so excited for this weekend :) sigma pi on thursday, FORMAL on friday, sigeps/sigchi on saturday :) its going to be great!!
too bad katie is leaving me :( and so is kendal and haley. BOOOO FRIENDS!! BOOOO!!
i'm so excited for this summer :) i cannot wait to be with my friends from livonia! and for my birthday party!!
come to the bonfire on the 19th!! the bbq is for 06-ers pretty much but come to the bonfire!!!! :-D
my friends are cuties :)
alright. i better do this damn paper. agh.
leave me comments babies :)