Too Busy!

Jun 04, 2010 10:16

I've been too busy to post an update of last weekend and what I've been up to on the sewing front this week.  It's been a combination of flat tires, real life errands, sewing and getting sucked into this new book series, The Hunger Games.  Go read it!  But know that you won't be able to sleep until it's done!

So to quickly recap, RHB was really fun!  I finished everything in plenty of time, my hair actually turned out and I met some really great new friends and learned some great dances! 

The only sad part of the evening was the fact that I stupidly ruined by new vintage kid leather gloves by wearing them out to put my purse in the car.  It had been raining and I didn't take them off before closing the trunk!  What was I thinking?!  I'm a book conservator for heaven's sake!  I know what water does to leather!  Luckily, it's just two fingers on the left glove that were affected, but it's still sad. :(  More pictures can be seen here!

Anyway, as soon as that was done, I got started on my next project which will be a dress from Daniel Deronda that I'm calling the Seaside Polonaise. 

Which is just perfect because I'm going to be wearing it at the end of this month in Newport RI, for a bustle trip we're planning!  I'm so excited!  We're going to tour 5 of the mansions and have a picnic or go to a tea room for refreshment.

So, before I could start on the actual dress I needed quite a few things.  Namely, a better fitting corset, a bustle, and a few different accessories.

So I finally restarted the Silverado corset!  It's almost done, all that's left is binding the edges. 

I'm calling it my Ice Cream Corset because it reminds me of rainbow sherbert.  I'm using a light pink duiponi for the outside and I'll be binding and lacing it in a mint green color.  I'm pretty pleased with it for my first real attempt.  It actually fits quite well!  I didn't have time to order and wait for a busk, and since this was really still more of a mock-up in some sense, I decided to use hook and eye tape for the front under some boning for the closure.  It works really well actually.  I also used two different sizes of cable ties for the boning.  Small for the front bust gussets and one along the hip gusset that I added, and the rest are the larger stiffer size.  So I'm hoping to finish that tonight and then move onto the bustle tomorrow!

For the bustle I'm using a pattern from Corsets and Crinolines, with some modifications.  We'll see how that works out.

Then it's onto the dress.  I'll post about that and the things I've purchased for it lately because this post is getting long!

events, seaside polonaise, ice cream corset, cold mountian dress, civil war

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