Last night I got motivated to sew and decided to figure out a mygar blouse because I was hoping it would be fairly simple. And boy was it! I think I only spent an hour on it, two hours if you include the lace appliqué I dyed and the mockup.
This is before trimming the bottom and with the lace collar just placed on to see the effect.
It is very simple. It has two seams, one under each arm which I did as French seams, and will have a small button closed slit at the back neck to allow for putting the tight collar on over my head.
All that's left is to hem the sleeves, hem the neckline and attach the lace collar/appliqué! I'm getting a cold unfortunately so I'm going to go home early and hopefully I'll be able to get it finished. I gathered the center back and attached a ribbon to tie around to the front. Unfortunately I think it might be a bit too short! Especially in back, I should have waited to trim off the bottom until I finished the skirt but if worse comes to worse I have enough fabric to remake it.
Anyway, a quick fulfilling project that makes me feel accomplished! I may even do another one in white with insertion!
Dress U is so close! It's freaking me out and so I'm happy to feel like I'm making progress. :)
Oh and since I failed to post a pic of the corset and combinations, here's that as well!
Still need to finish the petticoat and make a ruffled corset cover but those are also simple!
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