So I finished the eyelets...

Jul 05, 2010 22:29

And I tried it on.  And it's good, except for a few little problems, which I hope are either inconsequential or fixable.   The eyelets weren't that bad because I only whipstitched them.  They are not perfect by any means, but I feel good for doing them by hand!  Oh and I used silk thread for the first time, and I love it.  Thread was 50% off at Joann's this weekend!  I stocked up. :)

First, I think I need to cut just two of the tabs on either side in the front a little higher.  The way I placed the boning, there are a couple spots where it might dig in a bit and become uncomfortable, but it's not a problem wearing them for a short time, but I worry if I had them on all day or something.

Second, the underarms are a little high.  This could be fixed by cutting the tabs more, or I might just have to take it down a little bit.  I'm worried about where it's hitting in front as well.  It's not uncomfortable there, but maybe it's too high?  The underarms are slightly more uncomfortable and so I will have to take those down.

Also, I must have a very curved spine or back because the top of the backs of my stays always seem to stick up.  I think by cutting it down a bit, which would also make the lacing closer to the top, should help that as well.

So, still a lot to do until they are done, but it's close at least!  And I can start making a toile for my next project since I'll have something to try it on with! :)


Please ignore the messy room, sewing this meant not as much time to clean!  And it was too hard to get a pic of the back, but the lacing is pretty even, more so than my last stays, that's for sure!

After those changes are made, all that's left are to try out the horizontal boning (haven't done that yet, but I think it won't make too much of a difference for the things I currently need to fix), sew the eyelets for the straps, and do the binding!  Whew, I'm glad I finished most of it this weekend, if I'm going to get everything ready for costume college!

18th century, stays

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