I've been tweaking a couple of things with this journal today, here are some of the changes that may be of note:
I accidentally let the domain name for my web space lapse (oops), so while that is being re-registered, you can use this address to access my site.
Partly because of that, and partly because I've wanted to do it for a while, I've added a few of my Alias fics to this journal. You can find them in the "memories" section under the Alias category. Right now, "Rules of Engagement," "Barbados," and "Surveillance" are the only three there, but I'll be adding "Nothing to Be Afraid Of," "Gray Skies Again," and "the elements" soon.
I'm still keeping the personal posts on this journal friends-locked, but things related to fandom (i.e., fan fiction, episode commentaries, etc.) will be available in public posts.
Whew! Hope everyone is having a great day. :)