Mar 31, 2006 23:04
Ok so it's 11.04 right now and I'm up because I can't sleep because I'm so fucking excited to see Mitch on Sunday! In less than 48 hours I'm finally going to see the beginning of the rest of my life. I'm making us a CD of slow jams so i can take it to him when i see him. You don't know the adrenaline that keeps building and building inside my blood as we speak. With each hour that passes, the anxiety builds. The plane ride is going to take for-ev-er! I'll manage...I hope! We've got time set aside just for us. No brother, no mom, no brother's girlfriend. Just us! You don't know how much I'm looking forward to waking up next to him as he's snoring like a chainsaw and got drool everywhere. LOL! Sorry babe, jk. But hey, we're all human and yes, even if he did look like that in the morning, I wouldn't mind a bit. To get up and make us breakfast and sit across the table from him and share a face to face conversation instead of over the phone. WOW! I can only imagine how great it's gonna be. It's gonna be so surreal. I'm gonna have to pinch myself. I'm not gonna be able to believe it. And then I'm gonna blink and it's all gonna be over. But what an amazing week it's gonna be, no doubt full of laughter and knowing me, tears. Lol and dontcha know there will be LOTS of pix and YES I will post them up here. Cuz i'm just that fucking cool! Yes, yes, i know. No, really, stop bowing to me, its ok. LoL My heart is racing. What if he sees me and changes his mind? Could it happen? I pray that it won't. I've got a busy day tomorrow getting ready for the trip. Packing still has to be done, i'm doing laundry now. Gotta wear my sexy clothes ya know. Lol yeah, fat girls have sexy clothes! lol Anyways..i'm off for now. If I don't talk before I leave, I'm sure Mitch will drop a line on here while I'm there. See ya!!!!! *Waves*