SDCC: Joss Whedon Announces 'Ripper' Movie

Aug 02, 2007 22:01

'Ripper' Coming to a TV Screen Near ... London?
Hot news for 'Buffy' fans -- Giles will be starring in his own TV movie for the BBC. The word from San Diego is that a ninety-minute film is in the works. "Ripper" tells the story of Rupert Giles back in London after he leaves the craziness of Sunnydale and winds up getting sucked back into the craziness of Watcherdom.

Some other tidbits from the panel: he knows where Season 8 (aka the comic) is going to end, and he's got a lot of plans for Season 9 after the fall of Wolfram and Hart. He is delighting in the complete freedom of FX budget that the comic series will bring. He also says that, in the aftermath of W&H's fall and the associated release of demons on the world, "Wesley? He's dead, so obviously he's going to be the star." He might be joking, but then, this is Joss, so he might not be. Also Ilyria was the most fun character to write, and he knew as soon as Amy Acker did the Shakespeare read-through that he was going to have to kill off her character to make Ilyria happen.

He may be writing a ballet. He'd like to follow in JMS' footsteps and do a direct-to-DVD film or two, possibly in the Firefly/Serenity 'verse. He's working with Drew Goddard on a horror flick called "The Cabin in the Woods."

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