Title: Grocery Shopping
Category: The Avengers
Ship: Steve/Tony
Genre: Romance
Rated: G
Word Count: 190
Summary: Steve and Tony shopping.
A/N: un-beta word prompts from tumblr
“Superhusband-Grocery Shopping”
Tony wasn’t a patient man, contrary to popular public belief, he was self-aware enough to recognize this as one of his many flaws, but when it came to grocery shopping with Steve he’d like to believe and have it acknowledged that he had the patience of a saint.
“Steve, please. Pick. One.”
The tall blond sighed throwing a slight pout his way. Curling a hand around the handle of the basket he held, Tony tired to maintain the stern expression on his face. He would not be swayed by Steve’s alluring mouth or baby blues this time, the combo is what had him in the middle of the crowded store in the first place.
“But there are so many choices, in my day-“
“There were only five types of cereal and movie cost 10 cents, great story grampa,” Tony cut him off, smirking when the soldier glared at him. “Pick one.”
“I’m going to make you pay for that comment, Tony.”
His grin grew wider and filthier, his eye shinning bright when Steve started to blush. “Pick a cereal already, let’s go home and you can punish me all you want.”