Title: A Scene Analysis Uncovering the Truth
bellajayd Rating: R
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Spoilers: YES!!!! Contains [2] episode stills from 5.03. Honestly though, the pics wont ruin anything for you.
Warnings: Spoilers. Crack. I mean, the high grade kinda stuff. Totally done for the lulz.
Summary: Two episode stills from the upcoming season are analyzed for proof of Dean/Cas.
I have carefully analyzed this episode still for clues that Dean and Castiel are in a relationship. Clearly they are.
In this second episode still, I have used my newly discovered psychic powers to intuit what the couple was really thinking.
Now that you have seen this carefully conducted photographic analysis, surely you must all conclude that Dean and Castiel like to play FBI agent and Bank Robber in their alone time . . . amongst other things.
Thank you for your time.