I think you have the most beautifullest eyes I have ever seen. Also, hello. It's been a while since we've talked. I'm moving soon as well! Can't wait. We will both do fine.
Aw shucks, thanks. Is it because they're dinner plate sized, and also slightly crazy looking?
Heck yeah it has, >:( I was thinking about sending you some dog poo in a box, just as a "hi, how are ya?" but man, going to the post office is such a drag.
I wish you would have sent me dog poo so I could have wiped it all over my face and then went to your house and scream out, "IZ DAT GUDE YAAH?!"
I am moving in April, it looks like. San Fran it is. I'm getting kinda skeered about it. I hope I'm doing something good for me. You will have to come visit.
Haha. You would think so freakazoid. One of them is two different colors too. I'm especially proud of that. I think it adds an extra little dash of psycho...
Oh man, there could have been two outcomes to that scenario. 1.) I'd scream, "Opa, is that you?!" and then run and put on my dirndle. or 2.) We would have made out like crazy. Either way, you know how we Krauts love poo...
Sweeet. Actually, one of my uber favorite friends just moved to San Francisco, and it's not TOO far to drive, so I may legitimately be all visity at some point. You could always stop by SLC on your way out... We could push some Mormons in the mud and maybe pee on the Mormon temple...
I am indeed a freakazoid. Multi-color eyes are a sure shot for craziness, yah crazy.
Could we have done both? Krauts love to share as well, especially their poo.
You could always fly as well. I'm sure flights are cheapo. Maybe I'll make a trek to Mormon country once I'm all settled. I'll talk into a hat and start my own religon and poop on people. I think I keep talking about poo cause I really have to poo.
oh yeah, definitely. Krauts actually hate sharing, but we'll do damn near anything for poo...
Actually, SLC is pretty wicked ace. Not at all what you'd expect. I SWEAR. The rest of Utah though...zomg, don't go there. I'm sure flights are wicked cheap actually, but I was driving to see my friend anyway, so... I be lovin some road trips yo. Actually, Las Vegas is only a five or four or something hour drive from SLC...we could totally meet halfway inbetween, pick up some hookers, then have a fake marriage officiated by a fat elvis with his foopa all spandexed out... I don't know if we have to consumate the marriage though, since it will be fake.
YOWZA. That is so lumberjackalicious! Hot man. Are you beating the ladies off with multiple sticks?
Sometimes, I almost wish I could grow a beard. :'(
I have been somewhat lucky with the ladies as of late, yes. I owe it all to the beard. It gives me powers. Sexy powers.
Vegas would be fun. I've been there once before. Didn't get to see much of it. Was very drunk the whole time. And I'm not fake marrying anyone unless there is lots of consumating afterwards or even during fake marriage. I mean, what kind of fake marriage would it be without consumating all over each others' faces?
Do you use it to hypnotize them? Or is is just a handy GBH receptacle?
Man, most of my vegas time has been drunken as well...I've never really gotten to see the seedier sides of vegas...or really remembered much of it. Okay, okay, we can consumate until our fake divorce. Just don't tell Ben man...
Just to let you know though, as I did pull out a giant patch of my hair this morning, I will be wearing a giant beehive wig during our fake wedding ceremony...
Sometimes, I want to park my car in her teeth. I mean, not because I want to hit her with my car (well, maybe I do), but because, holy crap...have you SEEN the gaps in her teeth?!?!
Seriously though, I think nipple clamps are kind of hot.
Also, hello. It's been a while since we've talked.
I'm moving soon as well! Can't wait. We will both do fine.
Heck yeah it has, >:( I was thinking about sending you some dog poo in a box, just as a "hi, how are ya?" but man, going to the post office is such a drag.
When are you moving?! Still to SanFran right?
I wish you would have sent me dog poo so I could have wiped it all over my face and then went to your house and scream out, "IZ DAT GUDE YAAH?!"
I am moving in April, it looks like. San Fran it is. I'm getting kinda skeered about it. I hope I'm doing something good for me. You will have to come visit.
Oh man, there could have been two outcomes to that scenario. 1.) I'd scream, "Opa, is that you?!" and then run and put on my dirndle. or 2.) We would have made out like crazy. Either way, you know how we Krauts love poo...
Sweeet. Actually, one of my uber favorite friends just moved to San Francisco, and it's not TOO far to drive, so I may legitimately be all visity at some point. You could always stop by SLC on your way out... We could push some Mormons in the mud and maybe pee on the Mormon temple...
Could we have done both? Krauts love to share as well, especially their poo.
You could always fly as well. I'm sure flights are cheapo. Maybe I'll make a trek to Mormon country once I'm all settled. I'll talk into a hat and start my own religon and poop on people. I think I keep talking about poo cause I really have to poo.
Oh yeah. Check out my sweet beard. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v300/mstrt17/aaa.jpg
Actually, SLC is pretty wicked ace. Not at all what you'd expect. I SWEAR. The rest of Utah though...zomg, don't go there. I'm sure flights are wicked cheap actually, but I was driving to see my friend anyway, so... I be lovin some road trips yo. Actually, Las Vegas is only a five or four or something hour drive from SLC...we could totally meet halfway inbetween, pick up some hookers, then have a fake marriage officiated by a fat elvis with his foopa all spandexed out... I don't know if we have to consumate the marriage though, since it will be fake.
YOWZA. That is so lumberjackalicious! Hot man. Are you beating the ladies off with multiple sticks?
Sometimes, I almost wish I could grow a beard. :'(
Vegas would be fun. I've been there once before. Didn't get to see much of it. Was very drunk the whole time. And I'm not fake marrying anyone unless there is lots of consumating afterwards or even during fake marriage. I mean, what kind of fake marriage would it be without consumating all over each others' faces?
Man, most of my vegas time has been drunken as well...I've never really gotten to see the seedier sides of vegas...or really remembered much of it. Okay, okay, we can consumate until our fake divorce. Just don't tell Ben man...
Just to let you know though, as I did pull out a giant patch of my hair this morning, I will be wearing a giant beehive wig during our fake wedding ceremony...
I only do fake divorces if we consumate in front of our fake lawyers. If you are down, I am down. And I won't tell Ben Man.
And beehives are hot. I approve. Dames need to go back a few decades in style and be hot again.
Okay, okay, I'm down. I mean, they're not going to be wearing gimp masks or anything, right?
Sweet. It's a deal. I agree. I think every broad on earth should have a beehive. Except for Amy Winehouse. She should have an OD.
I don't think that heinous dame has the beehive anymore. I saw her with blonde hair recently. She's absolutely disgusting.
Seriously though, I think nipple clamps are kind of hot.
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