Sep 23, 2004 15:33
I am in one of this nostalgic moods right now. I am in one of thos girly romantic moods. So I have spent my time, between waiting on members, search my favorite movie quotes. And today all of you are special and are gonna get to read them.
* Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome.
That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary,
endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most.
Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning.
Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will...
~Hope Floats
* So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard.We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you.I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please?
Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I though that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.
~The Notebook
* Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done,they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone.
~The Notebook
* I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts,and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.
~The Notebook
* Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish.It does not take offense and is not resentful.
~A Walk to Remember
* Alright, listen to me. You pull up right where she lives, right?
Before you get outta the car, you lock both doors. Then, get outta the car,
you walk over to her. You bring her over to the car. Dig out the key,
put it in the lock and open the door for her. Then you let her get in.
Then you close the door. Then you walk around the back of the car and look
through the rear window. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so
that you can get in.Listen to me, kid. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in,that means she's a selfish broad and all you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg.You dump her and you dump her fast
~A Bronx Tale