i really should be chemming, but...

Oct 24, 2007 21:12

is it just me, or do other people also get really excited when your favorite song is on the radio, even though you have it at your fingertips on your ipod? so i was driving home from dance, and the freshmen by verve pipe came on. i got so excited....and started driving too fast. oops. anyway, i started singing. OUT LOUD. in case you haven't noticed, i NEVER sing out loud. there's actually a

when i was really little [maybe 7 or 8], i was playing with my sister, and we were singing in a "recital". after i sang, my sister told me that my voice was hoarse. although i laughed with her, i was really embarassed and hurt. before i looked up what "hoarse" meant, i thought she was saying that i sounded like a horse! well, it was probably for the best because she saved lotsss of ears! ;-)  for that.

Anywayyyy, i don't think i can stand english anyMoore. seriously. i was actually excited at the beginning of the year because we discussed the importance of taking risks, and growing as writers instead of worrying over the grade we got. i thought that this year would be different from the past ummm 5 years of english class. but i was wrong. as always. the epistomology crap we did the past few days--i really wanted to shoot myself. if i want to learn about art history, i'll take a course on it in college or go to an art museum. but i want to learn how to WRITE. everyone everywhere emphasizes the importance of being able to effectively present our thoughts on paper, but no one ever teaches us HOW. oh, and btw, grades DO matter, unfortunately if one wants to go to college. thnx.

i have a whole rant on dance too....but i really need to study for chem and write my frickin essay.
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