Nov 16, 2017 17:23
Welp, failed again. I won’t deny I’m pretty disappointed (had to have a serious cry when I got home). However, I am taking comfort from the following:
1) The tests/lessons I did as a teenager are long enough ago that I can basically write them off - I’ve effectively started again.
2) The test I did in summer 2016 is also a write-off because my teacher back then basically didn’t teach me anything so I was nowhere near ready.
3) The test I did in October was not bad at all - I just wasn’t quite ready on my manoeuvres and the cyclist/junction thing was very subjective. It totally could have been judged either way.
4) This most recent one really ought to be written off as well. Firstly, I’m 37 weeks pregnant, super hormonal and tired, and was also all worried as I had to have an extra scan to make sure Babby is growing properly (she is, but really could have done with more info from the woman doing the scan - she just sort of breezily said everything’s fine and wandered off). Secondly, the examiner took me to an unduly difficult, all-but-blind junction - i.e. one that’s hard even for seasoned drivers - where it was even harder to see properly as he was massively fat and in the the way.
I will not be deterred, however. I only got the one major this time, as compared to two last time, so I am getting closer. I’m going to try again in the new year once Babby is a bit bigger and the days are a bit longer. For now, though, I’m just not going to think about it.