About this Journal

Aug 19, 2008 19:15

From now on, it is locked to friends only.

Friends are assumed to be grown-ups, until proven otherwise. People who have already failed this first point are excluded from friends list.

Anything written here about a crisis is ONLY WRITTEN AFTER THE CRISIS IS OVER!!!! I type with one finger and I have a well-documented anxiety disorder. In the event of an actual emergency occurrng at this very moment, I will not be able to type. {My typing finger gets pre-emped as a means of making necessary obscene gestures, and as a minor food source}

I think it is funny that I am a spaz, in order to appreciate this journal, it will help you to laugh at my spaz-ness-I am laughing my ass off at it...the terrible tragedy, that is behind me, Gods willing. There are many other folks you know who need your prayers, your candles, your support, your phone calls...

Just like old times, I swear to you, if I need you, I will call you!

Read the post, the whole post...

I love you for how swift you are to act, call, pray, and generally be there. It also makes me want to choke you!!!

When Tom died, I cried on almost all of you, repeatedly. And maybe someday, I'll sop up your tears in return.

BUT...unless tragedy strikes...this is a place for black humor, bitter irony, witty observation, sly double entendre, gut-clenching belly laughs, and the occasional unwarranted fart joke.

There are great reason in the whole wordl to worry, fret and cry...

Just not here. and not now...

Read it again...it was scary, true...but funny as shit...

Need a hint? Drove EE batshit trying to get a uhaul truck-my position-they make everything better...Get stuck as helpless prisoner in uhaul truck, discover that they go slooooowwwww...didn't matter anyway. Everyone was unbroken, just shaken. Tempest in a teapot, or upset in a uhaul if you prefer...

It's all good.
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