Musings for today

Sep 08, 2011 15:06

Woo, finally managed to get my LJ to post using the rich text cut instead of having to do it through the HTML. Though I have to admit, I have been learning how to use HTML and it's not as scary as I thought it would be!

Been feeling really jazzed the last few days and been able to hit out a number of fics to post for my hc_bingo card. Only got 9 more fills to do before I get a blackout. Really happy with that, never thought I would be able to do it in the first place. Though some of my fics, I go back over and think what the hell are you thinking about woman? I wrote a short one for Twilight which I haven't done for a really long time, I have been tending to throw myself into the Supernatural and Criminal Minds fandoms these days. Wrote a SPN last night for the survival prompt and jesus I never knew my mind was that disturbed. I kinda like how it turned out but the posted version is sooooo much more watered down than what I was thinking of. Maybe at some point I will write it as I thought of it and post it but we shall see. One of the other prompts gave me such a good idea for a multi chaptered fic. It's for bodyguards and when I was thinking of what I could write, I couldn't help but think of all these different ideas. I'm going to post it as a small section when once I have filled my card, I think I'm going to write it after I get all my other challenges out the way.

Can't wait for the 21st to post my samdean_otp fic, just worried about my artist. She hasn't really been in touch as she was in Hurricane Irene, I really hope she is ok!!!

Up to around 35,000 words for my big_bigbang story which is fantastic. Been trying to get all my writing out the way since I start back Uni on the 19th and I'm going to be so overwhelmed with coursework. Part of the reason I have been on such a posting spree at the moment. If I can get a big chunk out the way at the moment, it gives me more time to go at my own pace and write without panicking. Have to admit the gsd_rtfncomm has been such a fantastic help, really gave me so much inspiration to get everything done. Knew I would feel awful if I checked in with nothing done, at least this way I always had something written. It's one of those comms that I would recommend to everyone if you need some inspiration to keep writing.

So looking forward to starting my 3rd year however a little panicked as I got a course choice that I didn't think I would get. I'm going to be doing both Medieval and Early Modern European Legal History. Must say it's a little daunting as it comes from the law school at Uni, I'm a historian with no legal disposition at all so it should be interesting to say the least. Got the recommended reading so at least if I can go through that I should be ok. On the other hand got my Reformation class which has me jumping for joy, it's one of those subjects that just draws me and I love learning about it. Didn't get one of my choices which was a bit of a gutter but I can always go for it next year...going to have my hands filled this year plus need to start thinking of dissertation topics since I need to choose this year!

So I'm going to stop rabbiting on and go try do some more work and enjoy Season 1 of Supernatural for about the 100th time lol.


big_bigbang, samdean-otp, gsd_rtfn, ramblings, personal

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