Writing Woes

Aug 13, 2011 10:12

Thought I would do yet another update on my writing. Got the deadline for SamDean-OTP on Monday, just about killed myself this weekend to try get it finished. It's only a rough draft which is due and has to have a beginning, middle and end, afterwards we can add scenes in and what have you but I really just want to finish it in order to have a full month to polish it.

I hold my hand up and admit my grammar sucks, so I'm hoping that someone will beta it for me, may have to go badger my fiance to see if he will go through it with a fine tooth comb. Really excited about the prospect of artwork as well, will be really interesting to see what someone comes up with.

Now I need to think of a title and write a summary which I'm dreading...really can't think of a decent title and as for summaries, damn I suck at that too.

So yeah, got only two more sections to write and then that is my mini bang finished, at the moment I am sitting just under 40k for it...eep!! I hope that people like it. After I'm done, got some challenges to do. Got my bingo cards to finish and I have also signed up for spn_reversebang so now I'm off to go finish my fic...wish me luck :D

writing, samdean-otp, supernatural

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