Nov 03, 2008 12:09
this was typed up by my sister, jodi - but please read it...
Ok, here's the story. Almost every single day there are two beagles that come over here from a neighbor's house. This neighbor lets them run free across highway 50 (right infront of my house). One of these days- they're gonna get hit and killed. They're AWESOME dogs. We can't keep them either.
So, if you or anyone you know would like a male and/or a female beagle PLEASE let me know and I will pin them up and call you so that you can come and get them.
We have called the neighbor and personally went over there to bring the dogs back to them, but they DONT CARE...they're letting them run free and they are definitely going to end up getting killed. In my opinion, they dont have an owner because they're just let run free and they're ALWAYS over at our house. The renters also have taken the dogs back over to the owner's house too and yet they keep coming back.
I'm tired of worrying about them getting hit!!!!
so, if you want them...please message me right away and I will try my best to pin them up and call you so you can come get them ASAP. If you're not serious about this dont message me. I want someone to give them a wonderful home. They're AWESOME sweet dogs. They'd make GREAT pets for kids too.
Let me know! THANKS! And I hope that by the time you message me they're still alive... I'm so worried I will goto town and see them dead on the road...I'll cry!